Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

Well they are descended from them.


Theres literally a bunch of mountains in the way

Based on the first 20 or so posts:


Player Horde: bruh that place is dumb why do you even want it lol

NPC Horde: Because um… RESOURCES!

Player Horde: the night elves literally gifted us Azshara

NPC Horde: Fine. You have to do it or you can’t progress in the game.

Player Horde: bruh


The Night Elf Army that Saurfang wanted sent down to Silithus and wouldn’t have gone without his theatrics to get them to go there? You’re not making a very good point here.

Twice for wars that Horde Warchiefs started. Even now Tyrande isn’t even going after the Horde, and like everyone else just focusing on Sylvanas.


A point is, alliance wanted war us much as the horde. If there was one single good will gesture on the part of the alliance, there would likely have been no war.

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Its divided by a canyon with a river. Its the best possible natural border. The only way one is going between Ashenvale and Ogrimmar is via air or a bridge.

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If I had a say in the matter?

Not particularly. Maybe as a bargaining chip to exchange for the Alliance leaving the Barrens, but aside from that, the only benefit it serves is collecting lumber without leaving a bald spot in Azshara.

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Hehe “gifted.”

The 5 Night Elves and 2 tents that represented the whole of Night Elf civilization in Azshara were evicted, the Night Elf invasion force that was being thrown against Orgrimmar’s northern gate was routed, as were the Highborne researchers poking around old ruins for loot.

Tyrande’s ‘gifting’ of Azshara to the Horde was a nice bit of accepting the reality that there are more goblins in Azshara now than there have been Night Elves in the entire span of World of Warcraft. It has nothing to do with why I don’t really care about Ashenvale.


Let’s just ignore the Alliance passing up two chances they had to completely eradicate the Horde as a faction at the end of MoP and BfA.

Genocidal Monster Faction grasping at straws.


bruh it’d take the horde a thousand years before they caught up with the ancient night elven atrocities
but yes let’s name call, that is good for debate


That’s a good point. It was a rather abrupt change of subject and duck of the point.

With the topic being whether the Alliance wanted to start a war or was behaving aggressively, I really can’t imagine anything less relevant than two events years ago that, arguably, could have revealed the Alliance didn’t want to destroy the Horde.

Most wars don’t end in the total destruction of another nation. The Horde and the Alliance’s wars certainly haven’t.

The Kaldorei of today were either apart of the rebellion or the children of those who were apart of the rebellion that fought against Azshara and the Highborne and stopped the Legion’s first invasion. So no.

And before you start crying about expansionism against the Trolls that was also Azshara and the Highborne. The only Elves that could be pinned on are actually on the Horde now. :smirk:

Guess that leaves you up the creek without a paddle.


Wait, so if you support a regime even when they start engaging in atrocities, you can avoid any responsibility for that so long as you weren’t in charge and you rebelled at some point?

I had no idea you were such a fan of Blizzards writing.


The Kaldorei didn’t wait till it was inconvenient for themselves to rebel. They rebelled immediately. Unlike Genocidal Monster Faction who don’t rebel until it’s the most opportune to do so.


Okay, here’s the post hoc rationalization. So you’re claiming the Kal’dorei of today are, 100% people who rebelled immediately or the children of people who rebelled immediately? Don’t want to consider any class availability options unlocked in Cataclysm and revisit that?


The Highborne from Eldre’thalas being reaccepted was a mistake and the start of the garbage writing and constant victimization of Night Elves from Cata to present. That being said all they did was lock themselves in Eldre’thalas.


Okay, so we agree that only some of the current Kaldorei rebelled against their evil government when it was inconvenient.

So I’ll repeat my question. Are you sure you want to establish that some members of a group rebelling at an inconvenient time means the entire group is forgiven? That still seems like it’s going to spoil most of your arguments and all of your fun.


All of the Kaldorei of today are innocent of Azshara and the Highborne’s actions. Eldre’thalas are guilty of inaction. The claim that today’s Kaldorei are guilty of the Legion Invasion and expansionism into “TrOlL lAnD” is idiotic at best.


I didn’t say we didn’t deserve it. But it goes to show how vulnerable Orgrimmar is. It doesn’t feel great to allow the Alliance to occupy land that close to our main capital, especially since the Alliance capitals are all nestled far, far away from any Horde land (unless you count Gilneas, which I don’t).

Obviously, it doesn’t matter for meta reasons. Blizzard will find a way to sack any city whenever they feel like it. We burned a tree that was full of moisture and druids that can control the weather by using catapults that should have been way out of range. Blizzard cares as much about being logically consistent with city security as they do population numbers. None of it matters and we’re all equally vulnerable to the whims of the writing team.

It still doesn’t feel good to have the Alliance breathing down our necks. Personal space!


Okay, but now you’re moving the goalpost. Just two posts ago it was important that they rebelled immediately. Now you’re saying it’s only important that they aren’t guilty of the crimes.

See this is why it’s important to hold a moral standard independent of your faction, even if it means you have to sometimes judge your faction to be morally deficient.

It also stops you from ending up in a situation like this where your new position, “Only the people who participated in horrible crimes are guilty” is just as incompatible with your posting history.

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