Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

but it wasnt ignore it was in a book, come on now we all know why they cant update zones every time

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So your evidence that they care is that the continuity established after MoP was confirmed in a short story. That’s actually good, from this we can extrapolate the extent to which they care based on the amount of effort they put in.

How hard was it to write two sentences about the Horde fortresses having been abandoned? We can prove Blizzard cares that much.

So with Blizzard caring about their story to that extent, is it really so silly that the average player invests a similar amount of effort?

As much as I don’t care what happens in Ashenvale, I sort of expect “The Horde takes back Ashenvale up to Splintertree Post and the Bulwark, then rebuilds their Cataclysm era fortresses” to be what happens, if only so Blizzard doesn’t need to keep track of a discrepancy between game and story.

Blizzard forgot about the Night Elves spying on the Blood Elves when they approved A Good War. Even more left hand not talking to right, before this Blizzard had Alliance players port right into a Night Elf camp in Ghostlands for the Void Elf recruitment quests. Blizzard forgetting things is par for the course at this point.


I mean your hear now, arguing about ashenvale, just saying wanna argue about ashenvale, might want to read up about it.

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You’ve missed the point here so thoroughly that I can only imagine you’re attempting to save face by changing the topic from developer effort and caring to me.

I’ve addressed this very point in the post you’re responding too. You should try to read it, and take some time to think before responding again.

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Not trying to save face, I am complaining about people not knowing the lore, and your trying to say that you shouldnt have to know the lore that is in books and outside the game in the story forums
its really simple really

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Actually no, you’re “poking fun” at people for “not knowing” the lore. I don’t think it frustrates you at all when you get to pretend to be exasperated as you pretend to correct someone.

Out of curiosity, besides me, who else do you think doesn’t know what happened at the end of MoP on this thread and which post lead you to that conclusion?

The people who thought the horde held on to parts of ashenvale obiviously

Which posts claimed the Horde held onto parts of Ashenvale?

Theres like 3

And they are?

I’m betting if you take the time to actually read those posts, you’ll find out they aren’t even talking about the timeframe following Mists of Pandaria.


Trying my best to separate this from my salty NE heart: I feel like the Horde would be really, really stupid to insist on keeping Ashenvale in any capacity for a number of reasons. First and foremost being they should likely still be feeling the embarrassment and shame over what they did to the Night Elves and second being they’d also have to realize the Night Elves would never accept them being anywhere near them again and it would just lead to another fight if they insisted on remaining in Ashenvale.


War eternal was guaranteed as soon as the Night Elves joined the alliance. There is no way around it. The only regret is that Teldrasil happened the way it did. The NE army in Silithus vindicates the march on night elves.


I’m not.

They picked the wrong faction back in vanilla and now they’re paying the price.

I’m just sad the war ended before the continent could be secured.

You know what would have been even MORE advantageous? Only having to protect Timbermaw Hold. nods sagely

Fortunately, since the NEs are refusing to sign the armistice anyway, nobody has to care about what they’ll accept.


I also sympathize with Elesana and do like her but i think she uses her “extremism” as kind of like a “defense mechanism” like it can’t hurt her if she’s already expecting the worst but i think her scenarios are beyond outlandish.


I’m confused why Night elven imperial lands get respected, but Troll imperial lands do not.

Anyway, you guys know how I feel about the Alliance owning land 120 feet from the Horde capital’s backdoor. It makes the Horde look weak and ineffectual.

That’s beyond stupid.


Thanks Blizzard for putting the Horde’s capital city on the border of Horde land instead of in the heart of the faction’s land like literally every other capital city in the game. It’s super great to listen to Night Elf players talk about how they should rightfully be able to build a house 20 feet away from one of Orgrimmar’s entrances and not really having a leg to stand on in refuting them.

Sentimentally, I have no attachment to Ashenvale and couldn’t care less if the Alliance had full control of it. Strategically, it doesn’t feel great that the Alliance is literally right on our doorstep, even if they pinky swear they wouldn’t attack us despite the fact that they’ve already sieged Orgrimmar… twice.

The Horde should at least control Southfury River and the lands adjacent to it. The people who say “You shouldn’t have built your capital there!” need to concede the fact that Horde players didn’t decide where the city was and acknowledge that it’s never going to move. Vanilla WoW was much more generous to the Alliance in terms of territory, and the Horde is paying for it even today when we can’t even secure the land surrounding our main capital without the Alliance players telling us we are asking for too much.


Maybe because Trolls claim everything is their land?

Night Elves are not much different.


I play/like Horde and Alliance pretty much equally. The only Horde things in Ashenvale I’m attached to are Splintertree Post, the Warsong Lumber Camp, and the Warsong Labor Camp. But I think it would be nice if they had something at Demon Fall Canyon, given its significance.

I’d like if the night elves permanently pushed the Horde out of the rest of Ashenvale though. So the Horde wouldn’t have Zoram’gar Outpost or the areas they attacked in Cataclysm. I don’t think Azshara has to be solely Horde controlled either. The night elves could keep Talrendis Point and renew their alliance with the Blackmaw Tribe furbolgs, giving them control over the their holdings in Blackmaw Hold, Bear’s Head, Ursolan, and Blackmaw Scar. There are mountain giants, hippogryphs, and chimaera in those areas too which is nice. Also maybe Blackmaw Hold could connect to Hyjal through underground caverns and barrow dens. It used to be called Timbermaw Hold. I’m not sure if the implication was it connects all the way to the main Timbermaw Hold?

I also don’t really want the Horde to lose Hammerfall given it’s significance. But I guess its loss would be a perfect microcosm of the Horde’s nihilistic and depressing story.