Horde Players: Do you want Ashenvale with the Armistice?

Well you’re just going to have to stay mad forever I guess. Orcs are here to stay. Orgrimmar isn’t moving. Remember, those forests would have burned along with everything else in fel fire if it weren’t for a heroic time-traveling orc that Tyrande still sheds tears over.

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True, though I still count it since they were the first to settle Ashenvale after becoming night elves.

All that land was pretty much uninhabited so it was fair game. Though I guess a case could be made for furbolgs depending on where they were at the time.


Not even their fault. If Blizzard doesn’t care what happened at the end of MoP, why should anyone else?


I’m still not convinced the Horde even has Ashenvale, but for the sake of discussion I’ll go with it.

I’d be perfectly happy with the Night Elves getting Ashenvale back as long as they teach the Horde how to get lumber like they do somehow.

No more using resource shortages as an excuse to make the Horde start some nonsense and no “Well now that we can’t have Ashenvale, let’s destroy Zuldazar/Eversong/Suramar by taking all their trees!” because I don’t trust Blizzard not to use it as an excuse to start some stupid Horde inner conflict.


Cause they added lore, its the story forums after all
dont be upset you didnt take the time to read up what happened at the end of mop and I poke fun at people who didnt

Right, you’re asking us to care about lore that was told to the players in an interview or panel. Warden Stillwater and the Stormpike Dwarves were killed in game.

If Blizzard doesn’t try to keep the lore in game consistent, how much effort do you really expect them to put into keeping the lore outside of the game consistent? Poke as much fun as you want, the joke is probably going to be on you.

it was in the game my dude, play both sides

Ooo, now I get to make fun of you.

You should reread that. Tyrande talking about the Alliance leaving Azshara and snarking about how long it would take the Horde to eat through those resources was in the game. The Horde leaving Ashenvale entirely was not.

now I get to doubly make fun of you, read a good war, where saurfang comments about how the nelves had control of all the forts cause there was no horde in ashenvale

btw good war is a free book, if you love the lore or are interested in the story, the least you can do is read the free books blizzard puts out lol


I mean, I guess if admitting you were wrong and moving the goalpost is “making fun of me.”


Is reading a FREE book too hard

Why would you being wrong about what was said in game make you think I didn’t read a book that was out of the game?

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books arent the devs, and they are canon, not reading the books makes you miss out on POV you cant get in the game

The most amazing part of this to me is that you just have to have done the first two quest hubs to know Stillwater is dead and phased out. It took me less about twenty minutes to get to it last night while I was leveling my Vulpera in Hillsbrad.

I still can’t understand how Blizz missed it.


Yes yes, not an answer to the question I asked. I’m going to assume you don’t have an answer and your assumption was just unfounded.

But if it makes you feel any better you can rephrase my hypothetical. “If Blizzard doesn’t care about the lore in game, what makes you think they’re going to care about the lore in expanded universe fiction? You can make fun all you want, but the joke is probably going to be on you.”

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I will sign nothing until I have Jainas head on a plate.

You can keep the damn woods. Will just take it back when we feel like it anyway.

its literally canon, did you not read elegy and good war. I dont think you understand what caring is

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I get the feeling you’re avoiding answering the question because you simply don’t have a good answer.

but they do care, why do you think they dont? Cause they retcon alot? Every franchises does retcons

I believe they don’t care because of the example provided above of lore in game that was ignored completely, not retconned, just ignored.

What evidence do you have that they care?

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