Horde Pc is now MORALLY GREY

As a final thought on the whole thing, I cant help but feel that monk still exemplifies the best that the Alliance tries to be. I haven’t done it in english yet(was doing it in french). But her dying quote was “the people here need healing, and so do you.” I think she was talking on a spiritual sense more than a physical one.


Exactly what the Horde PC needs, to be made to feel bad for doing the quests they are given :confused:


The Alliance has been forced by the story to confront our own biases and our own moral short comings, why shouldn’t the Horde? Even in MoP we had that uncomfortable scene of seeing Katherine kill off orcs who were just trying to swim ashore.

Hell, Genn was changed so that while he may not like the Forsaken he at least isnt going on a crusade to wipe them out!

Similarly, I’d say the forsaken will have to change as well, both in their moral and even in the thought that they NEED to “reproduce”(which was a topic slightly touched on in BtS)


The Horde isn’t being forced to confront a moral short coming, the WQ revels in how evil the narrative wants us to be. The Horde PC feeling bad in this case isn’t because the game is saying ‘your terrible for doing this’ instead its because the game completely misses the point and thinks the PC wants to do terrible things.


The fact she tell you, you need healing is probably a small step in that regard.

For the longest time the Horde has done these awful things, hell in Hellfire, you had a scene where a forsaken was going to experiment on a draenei and his last words were “I pity you forsaken”.


This is why I made a demon hunter. Super easy to be evil.

You could easily pull off evil with you orc.


Immediately reminded me of WoT’s famous “I just wanted to defend my home”, whoever is writing these dialogues is putting a lot of emphasis on the villainy of the situation. It’s too specific not to be intentional.

I’m going with the headcanon that Azerite is making everyone go psycho.


Orcs are heroes.


Bender laughing harder.


In fairness, those people didn’t surrender immediately and offer themselves to be murdered and raised as zombies. What are we supposed to do? Just leave?:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Also , pretty much none of this surprises me anymore. We’re there to burn children and chew bubblegum. And we accidentally dropped our bubblegum on the children as they were burning, so that only reasonably leaves one option.


::He would look at the gilneans, who would rather hide behind walls than aid their allies.::



After trying to kill the Alliance. You don’t let your enemies swim to shore.


What was that one expansion? The one where we fought all those uncorrupted Orcs that went on a killing spree because the Orc from the last expansion fled to another universe after him and all the Orcs loyal to his cause of racially cleansing the Horde failed cause all the races who weren’t Orcs and like three or four token Orcs opposed him? And was followed up by an expansion begun by an Orc letting the Burning Legion into Azeroth again?

Warchiefs of… Dragnor? War-Horde of Dunmer? War…

Eh. Just not coming to me.


They were unarmed and prone. You do too let them swim. And you collect them as your prisoners. It was not okay.

  • Elements are screaming in pain
  • guy comes to the orcs, telling them it’s because of the Draenei / Azeroth / BL
  • Orcs can’t talk to the spirits to find out the truth
  • They do see the Burning Legion, though.

Not that it matters. AU =/= MU. It’d be like saying MU Draenei are crusaders who want every living soul dead who won’t worship the light.


Some of the Pc characters are, but the player character only does SOME of the things in each expansion (canonically) not everything. So you get to pick and choose where your character lies.

Hopefully pc’s involvement will earn us a “fall from grace” where we are chastised for our actions and we can go back to being wandering hobos for a while.

Is that confirmed? I don’t recall things ever being implied that what the player character does is non-canon unless they retcon it later, like how the raids and instances were distributed in the Chronicles books.

In the meantime, I can’t imagine how it’s not expected canon that every possible main storyline quest a player can do for their faction is considered done.

Ooh you were almost to the good parts!

  • Begin genocidal campaign
  • Have leaders start to question things as they slaughter women and children in villages for years without much resistance
  • The guy who got this kicked off actually manages to get in trouble for his questioning while the Frostwolves are silenced before they get too uppity
  • Begin construction of road made out of bones of people you are mowing through
  • Forced breeding camps set up to use the women you let live to make children like Garona
  • Shrug when the veil is removed and it turns out the Burning Legion hired your leadership to turn you into an engine of destruction
  • Drink demon blood wholesale and engage in yet more genocide - now with demonic magic and desecration of your ancestors!

But yeah orcs are heroes in their own right.


Orcs who are physically stronger than humans, and preach victory or death. You think they’d surrender?

Rell Nightwind: Admiral - I think they mean to surrender. They’re not armed - They’re just trying not to drown!

Sky Admiral Rogers: You don’t think they’ll hesitate to strangle you with their bare hands? GUN THEM DOWN!

Had they made it to shore, and tried to kill the Alliance, we’d be complaining how lawful stupid the faction is again.