Horde or alliance

Is this server more horde or alliance players?

Both sides seem to be doing fairly well based on my small sample of trade chat and the like. Unlike retail I see a strong need for DPS in dungeon runs atm. It’s like everyone rolled warrior or priest or something!

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Have you noticed that on both sides or mostly alliance?

both sides it seems

Horde have a ton of warriors but no tanks anywhere. This is normal unfortunately. Most of them will be pvp mains when that opens up.

Alliance is where you want to be for raiding. Paladins, dwarf priests and human warrior racials are just that strong. So strong in fact that just like on proudmoore back in the day the pvp power will also shift to alliance because they will get more of the powerful pve gear faster.

If you want to raid roll alliance. If you want to be an orc roll horde.

Definitely seems to be more alliance on this server.

low level looks balanced, but once you reach late 40s and 50s, you will see waaaaaay more Alliance than Horde :frowning: