Horde OCE raiding and m+ scene

So… I have been playing WoW for a few years now, casually on alliance Frostmourne.
I am well aware that the bulk of the OCE population, including some of the best pve players reside there.
However I am simply bored of playing alliance, and their totally original, hand crafted allied races… :frowning_face:. I really want to start going semi-hardcore with raiding and high keys in Shadowlands. Is anybody able to tell me if it is even worth trying to join a “competitive OCE raiding/m+ guild” on Barthilas Horde? or just to suck it up and continue playing alliance?

Hopefully Blizzard will fix the warmode issue which is presenting an opposite effect on OCE realms. And I have no intention of trying to be the “BEST OCE player in the BEST OCE guild”.

I have heard that horde OCE is in decline? i’m unsure if that’s true but. I don’t want to invest time into a dying faction/realm

We have a few very good guilds here, not quite on the same level as frostmourns best but more than competitive.

We are perhaps in decline, I haven’t seen it recently but if you’re the kind of player wanting server first you have to be on FM.

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Thanks for the response. I’m not too fussed about server first, just want a healthy community that is stable over the next xpacs, assuming that it won’t “decline” into nothing. Cheers though

same here, I really want to change from Frostmourne to Barthilas. I am now thinking to start playing horde, if later on I feel it doesn’t work, I will switch back to FM and play a different class