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Definitely add me at Discord: BnH247#9580

@Dalvora , awesome :slight_smile: , we’re slowly filling up but still got a priest & warrior spot, I would add me quick though we seem to be filling everyday :smiley:

@Moonlitstars sure, we’re definitely taking care of our casual team but the bulk of that recruiting is going to come on release, right now i think we already have 10 or so people already on it.

Get in now, as spots will quickly fill when servers go live.

Yo I’m Bumping!

raid and Bg Spots are filling up fast.

Bumping this thread, great group of people for classic.

Sign me up for a frost mage and rogue. I won’t be able to heavily raid with yall but I am looking forward to the experience regardless. :sweat_smile:

Add me on discord so we can talk about the details and get ya on the roster :slight_smile: - Discord: BnH247#9580

Hi just came across your post. I would love to learn more about y’all and apply to the guild. Im planning on playing a priest.

Make sure to add me on bnet or discord so we can hash out the details :slight_smile:

Discord: BnH247#9580
Battlenet: BnH247#1992

bumping thread


Re-bumping Thread

I would be interested either way but it would probably be blue team. I work on red teams times. Im more casual any ways and do a lot of pvp. Troll priest Mahayana. I have a weird holy build im going to try out but might just go shadow im not sure.

I would love to join the team as a frost mage!!!

Awesome, go ahead and add me so we can discuss the details :slight_smile:

Interested joining for myself (resto druid), and my brother (rogue (maybe sub). We would be casual for pve and pvp aspects of the game.

awesome, go ahead and add me on discord. BnH247#9580

You guys sound perfect, exactly what I’m looking for. Rogue with many years of experience, I’ll be playing very heavily starting this coming weekend. Hopefully can look forward to re-living the glory days with you guys.

Awesome, make sure to add me on discord, BnH247#9580

I am interested in joining. I am working on a frost mage. I’ll jump on your discord tonight. Discord: Koffin#7238

My guild appears to be dying the “got tired of Classic” death, so I’m looking for something else with more active players. At present, my available playtime is limited, at most I can do some casual stuff, and maybe the odd dungeon, so I’m not really looking to raid at any point in the near future, BUT I am fairly knowledgeable about my class (hunter, yes, I know, but I was also class lead for warlocks in vanilla) and about the game in general (have played since '05, leveled two characters to 60 on a pvp server). If you have space for a casual like me, I’d love to chat.

My guild appears to be dying the “got tired of Classic” death, so I’m looking for something else with more active players. At present, my available playtime is limited, at most I can do some casual stuff, and maybe the odd dungeon, so I’m not really looking to raid at any point in the near future, BUT I am fairly knowledgeable about my class (hunter, yes, I know, but I was also class lead for warlocks in vanilla) and about the game in general (have played since '05, leveled two characters to 60 on a pvp server). If you have space for a casual like me, I’d love to chat.