Horde lock portal in AV

Why hasn’t this been addressed?
Small indie company?

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Do you mean lock gateway? The main place I see this being used somewhat effectively is behind and up to the alliance’s south bunker. There is no equivalent as far as I know for the alliance to get into the horde’s towers.

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That’s exactly what I am referring to.

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Because it’s into the Alliance base and not the Horde base. If there was as many flanks and tricks into the Horde base as there is into the Alliance base Blizzard would have them all fixed by now. Horde has not only a flank all the way to Stormpike Graveyard from Icewing but they can also skip all of it entirely and just lock portal right into the South Bunker.


Maybe because the horde base has like 4 guards while the alliance one is swarming with them … it’s the reason that a zerg strategy has historically being better for alliance there

You’re kidding right? You are instantly shot up by arrows entering the Horde base by both their tower archers shooting together. The Frostwolf base is literally walled off and there is only one path into it. And Iceblood is the best chokepoint on the map. Also, meanwhile Horde have flanks and tricks around every Dun Baldar chokepoint. What use is the Dun Baldar pass if Horde can just go around it from Icewing? What use is the bridge if Horde can skip it entirely with portals?


The Lock Portal is not an exclusive means of entering the Alliance Base from the “back door”. It can been accomplished via Druid Wild Charge, Rogue Shadow Step, Warrior Charge and Heroic Leap and Hunter Disengage (very tricky to pull off).

The hole in the Horde fence can be walked through by any class.

You mean the one that was patched years ago?

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No. 10 Chars

There’s no hole in the fence.

Ok 11 Chars

Precisely this

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Where is this hole you speak of? Inquiring minds want to know.

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To the left of the Frostwolf Tower. At first I thought it was Rogue/Druids somehow Stepping or Charging through the terrain but I saw a Prot Pally come through the fence on his Charger the other day.

Gonna need a SS. They patched that a while ago.

Yes they patched the visible hole years ago. This is something else.

Yeah, like years ago

It’s a tad bit frustrating when our best choke point can be easily bypassed.
Little old me vigilantly defending the bridge till I see “South Dun Baldar Bunker is under attack!”
I think it’s a rogue till I go on over and discover 5-10 horde inside :rage:


It can be accomplished with a space bar and an up arrow. Easily. I do it regularly

It is past frustrating. It is unacceptable that Blizzard is and has been aware of the exploit for a very long time and have done absolutely nothing about it.

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