So, Horde, you’ve got the chance to farm Hellscream’s legendary shoulders with the Remix event—big deal, yes we know it.
But what does the so-called ‘superior’ Alliance have to show for it? Any raid item from your side that’s got millions of players scrambling to farm? I’m waiting.
Or is the Alliance too busy polishing their shiny armor to compete with the true might of the Horde’s loot?
Again, Horde was world first Garrosh kill. Alliance did not raid anything. Alliance picked up the scraps.
After Horde claimed it.
Alliance is not the Superior faction. They dont have any items that are worth World first.
Garrosh Hellscream, the final boss of the Siege of Orgrimmar raid in World of Warcraft, was first defeated by the guild Method on September 30, 2013. Method, a Horde-aligned guild on the European server Twisting Nether, achieved the world first kill of Garrosh Hellscream on Heroic difficulty (which is now called Mythic difficulty).
No one farms this. I have sold it for scraps when I first started playing wow in MOP.