Horde Has Hellscream's Shoulders—What’s the Alliance Got?

We got woke for days

You always give the 2nd place team a consolation prize… enjoy the shoulders

  • Class
  • Shoes
  • No fraudulent, bolted on races that dont go with the theme at all.

There is a lordaeron crest shield in SL, another from wrath, Jaina’s staff from cata, Daelin Proudmoore’s sword from BFA, along with the mounts mentioned.

This thread is still going? At the end of the day it’s just pixels and fictional stories. Why does it matter?

Because it is Faction pride.

As you can see from this thread. Alliance has nothing other than shiny toys and NPC who no one knows drop items who no one cares to mog.

Cant you tell ?

Horde? You mean the orcs.

It’s fun to talk and argue about.

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probably should use the pants…