I already agreed that they were influenced. We can thanks Azeroth politics for that.
You say that like outside forces haven’t tried to influence the Alliance.
There’s literally a whole questline in Classic about exactly that happening, and it got resolved without Alliance leaders going nuts, lol.
Who is your boyking going to kill under Influence ? King Grey mane?
or Malfurion who is always sleeping lmao.
You have no leaders - we have Warchiefs.
Plenty of Horde soldiers out in front of Lordaeron if memory serves.
And per your edit, “under influence” he did smack Wrathion. But despite my own loathing for his character, he’s not so weak as to just let the influence of N’zoth overtake him.
Like how Garrosh gave into his pride and started sucking down Y’shaarj juice.
Tell that to the few Horde soldiers that got out of Darkshore alive, lol.
Not anymore, you now have a council.
This is the biggest joke of this post.
Anduin Been Cying. That is his name. Dont get it messed up.]
i will go farm Lich king now before the lockout. Yall anyways have no leaders with epic gear to drop anways.
Okay. As dumb as this measuring is, I have to say something about this.
Garrosh was power hungry enough to mess with Old Gods and try to use their power to conquer the world. All it took was a few people to take him down.
Second, Varian died after wiping the floor against overwhelming odds after the Horde abandoned the fight due to not watching their own flanks. So the Horde’s betrayal was the cause of that. Vol’Jin died while not being out flanked or out numbered.
Lighting the tree to kill innocent people isn’t something to brag about. Genocide.
Garrosh didn’t decimate Theramore. To decimate is to reduce by one tenth. He basically used a nuke against a port city. Like a coward.
As for who has the better leaders: neither side. I liked Baine, but I also really like Anduin. They were both for peace, while not letting others walk all over them. Anduin wasn’t hardened like Varian, but that doesn’t make him weak. That makes him moldable. He was a true leader, not a cynic. Anduin wanted what was best for both factions, as did Baine. However, I hated the Garrosh shoulders so much that I never bothered to farm them. I would, however, like Anduin’s armor. Or his sword.
Good make sure to kill all the random rares in TWW maybe they will drop the loot Anduin Tear box.
Your leader is still crying in the corner with just a weekend in maw. You say he is a true leader. He took an expansion off for therapy and is still fighting demons.
The condition is so bad that you don’t have any leaders to even console him. Yall sent Thrall. Lmao.
The alliance has the bee mount.
And lots of horses. I mean a lot. Of horses. Everywhere.
A veritable sea of horses.
Anduin was imprisoned in death and survived, no thanks to Sylvanas not perhaps thinking that she was being manipulated and, once again, selfish.
Horde have this weird pattern of 1) being weak and then 2) getting rekt and looted.
The best we have for you is emo illidan and emo arthas (but we farm them too), so you can keep them.
At least illidan and arthas soloed their loot, Garrosh just took it (typical) when he was carried
And lots of horses. I mean a lot. Of horses. Everywhere.
A veritable sea of horses.
Clearly this is a sign of Alliance bias in the development team.
King Varian died to a random demon, an add that no one will remember.
He was killed by Gul’dan…
alliance have varian’s shoulders. but only for humans.
Not if you ignore reality hard enough.
True, Luuba is great at that.
The alliance has the bee mount.
And lots of horses. I mean a lot. Of horses. Everywhere.
A veritable sea of horses.
Yes Anduin like pony rides around storm wind. That is why so many horsies. Each day he picks up.
Every faction has to gift him a horse. So he can decide which horsy to ride on and feel like a budget King.
He was killed by Gul’dan…
He was killed by a demon finished by Guldan. There is a difference.
Wow, I see what you mean.
Try having all control over yourself overturned by someone and then being forced in murdering civilians. Oh wait! That’s right. The Horde murder civilians all the time. That’s not a form of strength. That’s a form of weakness. Sylvanas killed thousands of people who couldn’t fight back. Garrosh dropped a bomb on a city that wasn’t even a military power. That’s weakness. Cowardice. That’s a bully picking on someone half their age and size and thinking they are better. Two leaders turned raid boss against their own because they were power hungry. Because they knew they were to weak. Anduin taking time away to get right with himself after what he was forced to do is a strength. It’s not letting himself become a leader that uses those demons to harm others. That’s wisdom.
He was killed by a demon finished by Guldan.
How do you “finish” someone if they’re already dead?
He was killed by a demon finished by Guldan.
How is he dead if he’s still breathing, moving, and cognizant enough to speak and feel pain.
Sylvannas my leader was under the influence of Jailer which in turn served his motivation for burning the tree
Sylvannas burned the tree to :
1 - break the alliance and night elves back. It literally took a whole expansion for night elves to recover.
2- sylvanas took away all the hope as she hates life and hope is the core being alive. Your night elves civilization was almost done.
Both these decision were strategic moves.
Now garrosh decimated Theramore as it was key strategic point in Kalimdor and a direct threat to the horde In our continent. Eliminating that removed that dynamic.
Jaina is still coping with that L.
Garrosh also sent a strong message to his people. He showed the might of Horde under his leadership and the willingness to risk to get the victory.
To add to this why I love Garrosh. He is unhinged and he will do anything for the Horde. Even In shadowland cinematic. He made sure to show us all how weak Thrall is.
He was the leader we needed. That is why I will never respect this useless Thrall. He is selling us away bits and pieces.
How do you “finish” someone if they’re already dead?
That was killing blow by a random demon. Even he knew he wasn’t getting up.
Guldan ended his misery.