Horde got away with murder

Making my undead… burger shop. Fresh carrion for Forsaken consumption! Yum!

Genn fought 'till the end by our side. Jaina was ordered by King Varian to cover one of our flanks. They never abandoned us.

True, we were trapped, outnumbered, and surrounded, but that is not a good enough excuse to just simply left the field and leave our right flank exposed. When you found out that the battle was a trap, you could’ve send us a runner to warn us. An orderly retreat could have been done. Casualties on both sides could’ve been minimized if we cover each other’s retreat. But instead of thinking strategically, you panicked and decided to just bail, leaving us to face the brunt of the legion force in the Wrynnfall valley / crater. We were surrounded from all sides… just because your warchief was dying. If I didn’t know any better I could’ve agreed on Greymane’s claim that broken shore was part of Banshee Queen’s plan to eliminate us without even drawing her blades. If that is indeed the case (because no one really knows what is going on inside that twisted head of hers), then I’d say you didn’t safe us. If anything, you damned us by blowing that horn. Stormheim was simply payback for what happened at Broken Shore.

The horde should have told us their contingency/retreat plans ahead of the battle; whether or not and when the retreat horn should be blown. You too could’ve sent us a messenger on a wyvern after the battle to explain what happened. But the horde did none of those. A shame, really.

Good soldiers follow orders. The blood in our leaders hands is also blood in our hands too. If members of both armies has nothing to do or might disagree with their leader’s personal vendettas, they could’ve filed a complain to the chain of command or simply resigned. They do not have to bear that burden. However, we both know that none complained. A good chunk of the Alliance (including me) has perceived Broken Shore as an act of betrayal.

Given our faction histories, I will simply say that it is better for us to wage our own wars rather than trust or depend on hollow promises from savages.

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It is compared to Ashenvale.

I know that Orgrimnar is a city, but the general area surrounding is also referred as such.

^^^^ This,instead we had Shandris helping us out who I’ve always felt was one of the more level headed one where Tyrande was almost always impulaive,stubborn,difficult,not a big team player and tends to be quick to kneejerk without reading the situation. And with her new makeover is one step closer to raid boss status.

Again,the tree burning is terrible but afterwards Sylvanas became the number one priority to pursue and stop. Most of us are burnt out on the neverending red vs blue crap,tired of being beaned with the villain bat over and over and over again. The cycle needed to be broken and stay broken not perpetuated just to cater to vindictive players who cant let go and see the bigger picture. [Aimed more at OP on this paragraph] Now the writers can have more liberties to try something new and keep the franchise fresh instead of stagnating with the same rehashed plots and conflicts.

Coming from the side that harbors the “Death to the living, including our meatshields-err…allies! Yeah…” edgelords.

Uh, no it’s not. It’s call Durotar.

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Look, it is well established that the majority of Kalimdor is a barren wasteland, and the Cataclysm was the best thing that ever happened to it, by finally introducing colors that weren’t grey or brown to most of the continent.

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There was no time to send a runner. The Horde either had to evacuate immediately or be wiped out. They did sound a retreat horn, which the Alliance did recognize. Alliance did manage to get on their airship, and Varian sacrificed himself so the airship could get on its way. Now this is where Genn turns into a complete scumbag.

Does Genn go back and tell Anduin the truth of the matter? Nope. He goes and tells him the Horde simply abandoned the Alliance. Instead of honoring the King for his sacrifice. He spit on it by blaming the Horde so he could carry out his personal vendetta. Did he tell Anduin how he watched as Varian dove into the legion in order to hold them back long enough to save his life? I have a suspicion the truth is going to come out at some point.

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Neither does either faction accepting ‘peace’ from the other. Every single time there’s a betrayal, and 99.9% of the time, it’s been the Horde wiping out civilian populations, or going for the nuclear option. I’d rather not be forced to go down that road yet again.


I was there, we were hopelessly and completely overrun. There was no other survival than getting out immediately. (I’m not an orc, don’t lok’tar ogar me)

(My shaman had a far different scenario, her group was highly effective and was considering making a push into the demon army when we abruptly lost. I’d just discovered Vol’jin was standing right next to me too. Should have been absolutely fine, no living demons were anywhere nearby.)

I have a really bad feeling about how Blizz is going to handle this situation with Tyrande.

Knowing how their writing for the Alliance has been in the past, i share your feelings. Only time will tell.

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