Horde cheating in pvp

Yeah, sometimes that works out and others, not so much. lol
Over time I’ve come to save TW for the opening skirms unless it’s tok or ssm.
Or, if someone else pops early then I’ll definitely follow up.

Rock and Roll !

I do not know if this is exploited or not someone lust right before the gates open than was saying bdm use TW now took me a min realize that the rebuff was gone. Now I try to set it up when I can.

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I didn’t mean you were exploiting :).

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I don’t really care about WM XP or whatever free Heroic loot you’re talking about.

I don’t know who you think you’re talking to that I seem like I need ‘welfare’ anything.

And for that matter, I have no idea who I’m talking to. You’re posting on a WoW classic account about a Retail issue, so I guess I’m well within my rights to ignore your insulting tone?

Yep, can confirm agreed.

Your posting about an imaginary issue, and a pretty funny one at that. So I guess we are all in our rights to ignore.

Dont Worry, I dont always Q as merc and throw Ally BGs, but when I do I scream

FOR THE HORDE! GET GUD KIDS, YOUR FREAKING TERRIBLE. Then I just spam about sticks in all caps constantly.

Its such a pleasing way to spend my time, while I watch Asmongold stream on my second monitor.

Funny thing though, 9/10 BGs I lose to “Alliance” are actually Horde Premades on the other side.

Like I said, Remove it I dont care I will gladly take 6 min Qs with 100% win chance :).

Um. Okay. Thank you for your valuable input.

It would appear, you watch Asmongold MUCH more than I friend.

Not sure what my main has to do with your imaginary BG issue, but Glad you are that concerned :).

I would love this

I’ve seen mercs throw matches and cause the Alliance to lose. I’ve also seen mercs carry the Alliance to a win (kinda sad but a win is a win). Personally, I don’t think mercing should be a thing. If you want to get faster queue times, roll Alliance. If someone is mercing, they clearly don’t have too much of an issue with how bad the Alliance can suck at pvp, so they may as well be on an alliance character and contribute to the faction.


Ya, I blame lazylock too. I saw him vote to kick all the healers and I was forced to kick them as well. Nice try for being so lazy.

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Definitely not everyone, but I seen plenty to know they are there and do it constantly.

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I saw 2 healers from moon guard take off all gear and rp walk out of the gate.

I’m sure there’s some trolling going on but even if there weren’t merc mode isn’t a good way to balance queues.

Probably because you’re a decent person. For me as an Alliance main, it’s happened enough times that I end up not entirely trusting if the Horde mercs on the team will try as hard.

On the flip side, I don’t really even trust the Alliance teammates I have anyway :joy: but I guess it’s just that extra thin layer of faction dynamics. And there are those weirdos out there who merc thinking they’re some kind of ‘’‘spy’’’ like there’s anything to spy on.

insert Michael Scott whispering “Don’t.” .gif here

“Yeah, let’s go merc and sync our queue just to spoil Alliance game.”

Because its more likely that someone would Merc to throw matches, rather than just IDK play on their alliance character and do it?

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And get more honor when at it …and not ruin your win record .

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I’m sure both? I think throwing a battleground is dumb and spiteful regardless of where you’re standing, but between the couple million people playing this game, there are going to be some who do it. Or at least attempt it, I suppose.