Horde cheating in pvp

You can still do WPvP, they can even offer a single faction option. It’s kind of weird to me how some people take the faction conflict seriously.

That’s what wow was based on It is the core of the game. Wow is the only game I’ve played for over a decade and pvp is just about all I have done. So when you talk about mixing factions yes, I take that seriously.

It’s an imaginary line, it only has as much reality as you give it. It’s also just a game, hating someone for imaginary reasons is just foreign thinking to me.

I merc quite a bit and I have never thrown a game … why would I do that ?

When I first started playing this game I had a horde rogue attack me. I don’t know what came over me but my hands started shaking, I got nervous I got excited but I liked it. I still get that same feeling today playing this game.

So yes I got a lot of passion for this game if I ever lose it then I guess I will be done.

When I first started a lot of max level alliance kept trying to get me to flag by spitting on me, stealing objectives, and, in general, being dbags. In the server I killed a lot of alliance but it made some sense since I was punishing a small group of players on my server. If hate is your only reason to continue playing then I have to question whether you still enjoy the game, maybe you’d be happier finding something else?

When I made an alliance rogue my friends jokingly called me traitor.

I guess the question I would ask is, “Why are you in that BG?” I would expect the answer to be “for fun”, but fun means different things to different people, I suppose. Still, at the end of the day, you’re choosing to play a team game that requires all team members to be working towards an end goal, to some minimum level, and intentionally not doing those things (or doing things that actively go against that goal) is detrimental to the intended experience.

So there’s a distinct difference between someone who is just not good at the game and someone who is actively trolling. The former warrants patience and support, the latter doesn’t need to be a part of my gameplay experience.

I get being frustrated with what’s happening in a losing game, but that’s no excuse to give up or be a jerk to other people. As someone who finished the AV rep grind on Alliance in Classic, believe me, I get it! But you know what? It took very little effort for me to try to rally my team, provide basic instructions, and do what I could to contribute to the success of my team, even though we lost nearly every game. Sometimes that was stealth capping towers to try to alleviate the pressure on my team, sometimes that was just helping kill some LTs to help my team end the game in a little better position had I otherwise AFK’d like so many others.

I do this because when I hit that “join battle” button, I understand that I’m being placed in a team game where I’m expected to do my best to contribute. My best isn’t the same as everybody else’s best, and success doesn’t look the same in every single game, but it’s expected of me to put forth that effort. If someone isn’t willing to do that, why are they joining the BG?

Hate is a strong word killing you because you picked the wrong faction I’ll go with that. I do not hate horde I just enjoy killing them.

Well you said that you’d quit if you had to play with horde players, even said the only enjoyment you get in game is killing horde. You describe your passion for killing as your hands were shaking. Not sure what else you’d call it. We share an AH, we’re always fighting the same big bad at the end of every expansion, and you’re likely fighting with orc players if you’re playing a lot of BGs as alliance so I’m not sure what the difference would be except it’d remove the illusion of separation.

I have an orc and a number of experienced PvP alliance so everyone that plays in the BGs when I’m on an alliance toon is playing with an orc. I tag man slayer but my rogue is human, if I had my choice I’d probably be slayer of BElfs but my HPal is BElf and I also have a Draenei HPal.

There are many ways to play the game, I’m not trying to argue that you shouldn’t kill horde. I’ve killed my fair share of both factions. I just think you’re either exaggerating for effect or maybe taking the contrived rivalry a little too seriously.

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let say technology advances to the point we have sentient AI, and we can make each character in azeroth its own person with a unique AI. lets say we extend that to our player characters, where we can program personalities.

if you control your character(while you are logged in), is the AI responsible for the actions committed by your character?

i think the expectation of recompense is itself just as natural of a reaction to loss as feeling fear when confronted by a lion. we are so used to the idea of passing judgement that when a person wrongs us even unintentionally, we demand recompense even if they can’t oblige, we never do that for natural disasters. nobody sues God in court because lightning destroyed their favorite tree (there was that one time*)

Merc to me they are traitor and I look at them that way. I played this game is satisfied me It may not be the right way but that’s how I play it. Believe it or not they are more on here like me that does not wanna mixed factions.

I did a strawpoll for Inemia on mixed factions did not want to I was too scared to where it might lead. It surprises where the votes went I will try to look it up later. I’ve been on these forms for a while And mostly all here knows my stance on it, it has never changed.

I will leave you with that and I will quit tying up this post thank you for the conversation.

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What you are proposing is a nice hypothetical tool for discussion, but it simply doesn’t apply. As far as we know, there is no entity in control of our actions. Within our definition of self is that we are the ones in control of our actions, therefore we are responsible. Should we one day discover that this is not the case, and that some other entity is in control of our actions, it is they who are then to be held responsible.

Until such a discovery is made, we have no choice but to assume that we are the ones in control and conduct ourselves accordingly. To let ourselves get caught up in wild speculation of things currently unprovable again invites a descent into anarchy where any and all actions can be dismissed with no accountability.

We aren’t talking about natural disasters here, and why are we assuming that the offending party can’t oblige?

If I come to your house and willfully destroy your property, am I not responsible for that? Do you not have a right to expect me to financially compensate you for the damages I caused? In all likelihood, I possess the capability to compensate you and while there exists the possibility that I do not, you assume the worst and unlikely case.

Furthermore, to your example of a natural disaster… you’re correct, nobody sues God for damages, but we do expect our insurance companies to compensate us as we entered into a mutually agreed upon contract whereby we paid them a fee such that, in the unlikely event of damages, we would receive compensation with which to fund restorations.

Now that insurance company can always say, “Nah, we don’t want to do that.” and not pay up; however, we have legitimate claim to that compensation and we can sue them. The insurance company is accountable.

Since you’ll probably point it out, should I not have insurance, then I am accountable for the decision I made to not have it and I have to accept the losses incurred by a random act outside of my control as, indeed, there is no party to seek compensation from.

People throwing the match does appear to happen but it sure seems rare.
That said, it’s casual randoms so … no big deal. /shrug

I’m a firm believer of personal accountability. Key word ‘personal’.
However, holding others responsible can be a slippery slope.
We have to be careful as we ourselves are not perfect.
Hypocrisy is a bad thing.

Walking in humility and mercy has much better rewards but unfortunately, it isn’t always as easy as it sounds. lol. Round and round she goes … :crazy_face:

WELL my friend- come across ME you shall find your end at Horde hands! Your bones shall bleach upon the sands with none to know of your fall from the grace of the Gods of War! (seriously though? “Darkspear” is a scary server to see someone come out of. You KNOW yer in for a fight!)

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I would be happy with the removal of merc mode.

Get rid of allis increased WM XP and raid able quest for free Herioc loot as well. Its a system that only benefits one Faction to the detriment of the other.

Its so funny to watch the actual welfare faction cry more.

Even if not all who Q merc is not a troll, the fact remains that it has happened enough in the past that many Alliance players are salty about it. There is a precedent.

I don’t know if this happened to anyone else here but in IoC there were alliance alts who would bloodlust right before the gates opened to have advantage in the first group fight. They ended up removing the debuff before the game to counter it.

Don’t get me wrong, I accidentally lusted before a fight before but after they removed it people were upset when they lusted and people didn’t get the debuff.

If I can get another mage or shammy to communicate with me then I will pop TW at 3s then when the debuff is gone they can pop there’s.

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If there’s an opening someone will exploit it, which is a shame because they just put in more layers of rules to counter. I just figured meh, another reason to hate IoC in addition to it be the preferred horde bot hang out.

Very true.

I have had lots of Horde KJ players join my BGs and throw and crap talk throughout the days.

So let’s lock BGs to 1 faction, you can only BG on 1 faction that you may chose 1 time choice.

Even better delete all toons of opposite faction, 1 faction you just choose.