Horde Casual player lf guild

Hello! I am a newish player that started at the beginning of SL and quit soon after to play classic, got burned out on raiding and now i just want to chill, farm old content rep and mounts, do a few dungeons and chat with cool people. I have a hunter and a druid. EDIT, i am on exodar

I see youre on Exodar. If you would be up for a different server, I would love to offer our guild and community.

Found a Green Quest Horde on Zul’jin now recruiting!

Found a Green Quest - a US horde community on Zul’jin is now recruiting all classes & roles for 9.2 for raiding, questing Mythic Keystones & more. We’re planning to hit the ground running for AOTC in Sepulcher of The First Ones. Our raid nights are Sundays & Wednesdays 7:30pm-10pm Est. If this sounds interesting to you, please feel free to reach out to me via Discord or in game only.
Discord: Kiuayoukai#2395
In game: Kiuayoukai-Zul’jin

If you interested in being in a relaxed, friendly community, Found a Green Quest is as good as any. We have guild sponsored Mythic Mondays, open to everyone in the community regardless of experience or Item level. We just made a trivia event on the last day of the Darkmoon Faire, and have plenty of people in the community grind out Transmog mounts and so on. Even if you don’t feel like Transfering server, your welcome into our discord and community if you’re interested. If you are Let me or Kiuayoukai know and invite you into our discord

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