Horde BG Ques are TERRIBLE and will only GET WORSE

Horde are winning the whinging award.

Good, maybe my level 60 toon on hellfire can do a quest without being ganked by a 70 huntard and the 18 frost mages killing my level 68 at area 52 25 times an hour will unsub and go back to call of duty or whatever toxic game they play.

Youā€™re not being punished. You valued RP over shorter queue times. Everyone knew horde would have longer bg queues in tbc because THEY HAD LONGER QUEUE TIMES IN VANILLA and it was only going to get worse.

So youā€™re not being punished. What is happening is you are not being rewarded for going to the op faction with a ā€œfixā€ to the one aspect of the game that is difficult for horde. Everything else is roses. Iā€™d personally love the horde racial of not being ganked 20 times an hour by 70ā€™s while on hellfire peninsula. Iā€™d love the horde racial of summoning stones. Iā€™d love the horde racial of just being able to afk anywhere. Iā€™d love the horde racial of attacking someone, getting beat, and then having five people show up to my rescue.

But I chose to roll alliance, and I live with it.

vanilla PVP never mattered. it was a side hobby

Oh no.


Not everyone knew the queue times were bad. I had no interaction with PvP back in vanilla and I certainly didnā€™t spend all my time before TBCC came out combing the forums for information. The last time I had even logged on the game was months before the release. And I wish I did have the ā€œhorde racialsā€ your talking about, but Iā€™m on a realm where alliance outnumber horde, as I was in Phase 2 of classic.

But I chose to roll horde on an alliance dominated server, and I live with it.

No. Blizzard does NOT need to do that.

You were never promised a perfect game.

You were never promised a ā€œcustomized for youā€ game, that will keep changing until YOU are happy.

You WERE promised a copy of the 2006 ruleset.

i think Alliance players are starting to be about done with their gear farming. queues might get a little long after the weekendā€¦

Then why did Alliance get transfers in phase 2 and why do alliance paladins have seal of blood now? that isnā€™t following the ā€œ2006 rulesetā€ is it?

Horde are essentially locked out of BGs until they offer us the opportunity to change factions.

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