Horde bg q's are 50mins

First I was only Alliance because I had friends returning who I wanted to play with that wouldn’t play Horde, my original plan was to play Horde. I have been playing Horde since Wrath. I quit Classic before BLW even hit because I hated playing Alliance so much. I had the plan to play horde if there ever was a TBC Classic before anyone knew there would even be a TBC classic. I already knew about longer que times, because I deal with it on retail (10 to 15 minutes) but 40 minutes? lol

I was tired of the queues so I rerolled Alliance, so far its been enjoyable!


my experience as alliance is very bad in bgs so far in tbc, probably won 1 out of 15 ish. something like that. Not worth my time. If there were more incentives I would queue up again, but not until that time. Just not fun to get curb stomped every game.

You mong it has nothing to do with faction imbalance and everything to do with the horde having a VASTLY more amount of people that actually like to pvp compared to alliance.

Welcome to the Alliance!

Guess it’s time to reroll alliance and stop complaining!


Mercenary mode would solve this, please implement.

Nah, you can either wait in queue or go to Retail for merc mode.


No thank you.

Nah. Horde deliberately camped all our dungeon and raid entrances on our sever which lead to corpse runs and longer raid / dungeon times. It’s only fair you now reap the rewards of longer BG queues.


I just want Horde > Ally Transfers, can even be for limited time. There is 0 negatives about it and it’ll allow me to experience quick QUES. While giving money to Blizzard.

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Will ruin servers, we have already seen how free transfers ruin servers, look at the 99% faction servers.

Horde to Alliance transfers so that you can boost an orc shaman and then switch it to draenei? Nah, not gonna happen.

so talking about retail arenas right alliance is at the top of the leader board completely alliance racials are much better than horde in retail but majority of the player base is still horde people just enjoy playing horde

We need mercenary mode, no reason not to. please blizz

The Alliance players are reason enough not to add it.

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Who cares, this xpac will be dead in month or two anyway.
Also, you knew this coming into it, 100% your fault.

No onder folks dont want to reroll, can you imagine having to encounter folks like this and not have the pvp option…

Imagine encountering us 1v1 and not 5v1 like normal. Horde generally play nice and avoid fighting until they hit critical mass.

Everyone says this about the other faction, lol…