They get something with merc mode, more players to pvp with and as stated above, by you I think, a better pvp player base?
The horde, a faction once known for its combativeness and ferocity on the battlefield have over time shifted culturally to a faction of activists and lawyers. This is the natural progression of their society due to overpopulation and unemployment.
Mercenary mode plz.
I’m on Whitemane and can confirm those numbers are really really old.
SOMETHING has to be done about this… I mean something!? How can blizzard just leave the state of pvp like this?
On retail where merc mode is they actually give the faction who ques the least a bonus in honor and rewards, not the dominating faction.
Think it’s something like “enlistment bonus” or something to that nature.
You horde are wrong that you deserve rewards for picking the better pvp faction as far as racials go. The reward should be for the Alliance to give them a reward for queing.
I mean, pvpers could have chosen not to roll horde in classic just because they had an advantage. That would have been a start.
So what’s it feel like at least? I actually want to roll a NE Druid on whitemane since I can’t on my main server.
What about world pvp?
No it didn’t. The top end PvP swapped factions based on racials every xpac and you saw the casuals slowly follow suit.
Merc mode has done nothing but improve it for the alliance faction.
It’s been laid out in this thread and many others several times now.
PvP is horde dominated (numerically.)
People aren’t 70 yet.
Most of those that are still have attunements/flying/not pvp stuff to work on.
50 min bg queues aren’t that long in comparison to classic horde bg queues. Historically, horde have had longer bg queues.
The notion of adding mercenary mode is a really bad one, as it further sealed the fate of Alliance in current to forever be the tiny faction. Intentionally causing or exacerbating faction imbalance for the convenience of one side is a terrible idea.
side note, what are yall doing for AV? Can’t get a queue how am I supposed to get the pieces?
So one type of imbalance is ok, but another type of imbalance isn’t ok?
You can always roll Alliance. You cannot think you, for even a second, deserve to be the world PVP dominant faction (due to more players) than Alliance and not have any form of consequence regarding that increased/larger player base lmfao.
Yeah these horde queues are unacceptable, they need to let the horde queue into 0 alliance players and gain free honor or apply merc mode to merge the factions for horde players.My queues are always 1 hour average wait time and its quite literally that, I can go watch most of a movie film and come back and it still wouldn’t have popped.
This is a player created problem with a player created solution. There has to be incentives to play alliance to help with the faction balance issues.
. Baa
So you’re literally part of the problem you complain about. How are you surprised?
World pvp objectives are Horde owned.
Cmon please allow Alliance to fight Alliance and get the 5% buff or something.
On retail that is always Alliance, but yes you are correct.
Better que times isn’t a reward, it’s Horde wanting to not wait 40 minutes for a que.
Right now they are already getting rewarded for quing by getting faster ques and gearing tons quicker. So there ya go.