Horde and Aliance Characters on Same PvP Server Is A Problem!

I don’t know if this will work but I did it once in error and I did not show up in guild list.

Open battel net window, up in right corner is your bnet id. Use drop down arrow and one of the choices is “Appear offline” Try that it might work.

I agree, sounds like this guy needs to hire some muscle.

Hi Meinteil,
My guild had this issue too on Arugal. We teamed up and camped them back when they were stalking our lowbies. They would even come to places like 1k needles to find us. After we killed them they stopped. I think they just want a reaction so the best thing is to kill them back and not post about it as sadly this issue can’t be solved by Blizzard.

The best solution is to go back in time before doing the thing on Remulos that ticked off enough people that are willing to chase you to the ends of Azeroth and not do that thing.
I’m not sure if there is a second best solution…

there used to be an addon that tracked people who ganked you and where they were, it was called “spy” yall remember it

Still works. :wink:

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