Honor will not be reset at start of Season 3

Thanks for clarifying.


hi level 50 blue post clicker with an alt code. this is the arena forums


Can you extend bg week till next week as well? Should’ve opened up honor vendor this week so people could Work on alts

Also remove honor cap

Two blue posts in the arena forums in 1 week are we in heaven?


:rofl: :rofl:

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LMAO bro ded

10 chars

LMAOOO they can do this???

Why is that surprising?

because… other forms of social media they aren’t allowed to edit your posts.

No because you would be taller wink wink

No thank you. Enjoying mine to much.

We can confirm that Honor will not reset with the start of Season 3

This is definitely really good. But even better, it wouldn’t be necessary for so many players to endure a massive honor slog on week 2 if there had just been 1 honor set and 1 conquest set. Then anyone who caught up on conquest gear in Season 2 would be just that… caught up.


That’s great but would be nice to have a much larger honour cap too.

Hey Kaivax, thanks for the update.

Would you happen to be able to tell us:

  1. Will the honor cap of 15,000 Honor ever be lifted?

  1. Will the Conquest cap be set at 500/week?
    • Could that be increased to 800-900 maybe?
      • Going 2 weeks without an Upgrade due to bad vault RNG tends to feels really bad.

  1. Will the Conquest Cap be removed in 9.2.5?

  1. Will the cost of Weapons be reduce this Season so (mainly 2handers) can be purchased in a reasonable amount of time?
    • Makes Vault RNG less punishing and reduces the stress of choosing Tier over Weapons

Thank you! :smiley:

I mean they have always been able to edit posts. I have never thought otherwise and have seen it done before. And this is different than twitter, facebook etc. Also Twitter, Facebook etc all can edit your posts, they just don’t.

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You are heaven.

true. other platforms will just delete your post but ya it’s different

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I dont even remember the last time a season ended.