Honor grind is a massive slog

Can you do a hot fix on random dungeon finder the lower dungeons have been bugged sense pre-patch my Shaman is level 35 and can’t do SM Library anymore same thing with Deadmines once you hit level 17 you can’t que for it anymore. Same with other dungeon once you hit a current level.

they figured something out and their contribution to improving the game has earned them that right.

you didn’t think of it, you didn’t put in the work, you don’t get the rewards.

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Good luck keeping your stuff, hope you get away with your exploit :+1:

Fortune favors the bold.

they’ll never catch me!! muhahahahahaha

Yep. I have no ill will to these people.

I didn’t even have a chance to use it. Dt came my bed time lol. Then woke up fo4 work.

Blizzard didn’t check their logic control code…again. After the 100tn time I have seen this since starting later legion I just don’t have the energy to give 2 craps.

I have no empathy. The common ways people “hack” games are known. Streamers and YouTubers go in to great detail even. The spiffing Brit is a humorous one to watch. One of my fave ones.

In this case…what happens when I press a button. Oh this reset, no cap….literally. About as low level to detect in qa you can get really.

What are the odds 1000 pvp’era would buy gear today? Pretty damn good. Some found no cap. Lucky, lol.

They rolled back the ppl who exploited the BG XP bug, sooo prob

dad im famous


Real talk. This is why Horde BGs and random BGs in general have been bad for probably a good 16 years now.

Honestly they should just mail you a set that is good enough to not get gib’d when you ding and then go back to PVP rewards being strictly tied to rank and reputation. This won’t happen but it is what should be done.

Worst take for PVP ever lmao


It is sarcasm. I wonder how many sucky things basically come down to people who don’t want to be there doing something they don’t want to do for point farming.

Can you please allow us to transmog classic pvp gear too? Currently we can’t

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