Honnor level got reset

But in the end - those mogs you farmed for hundreds of wipes are… meaningless.

Am I doing it right… or should I add more salty envy?

Oops I thought your name was closed to “Old Captain” than “Al Capone”

I can’t buy a riding crop in Ashran as of Tuesday. My alts can…

thats odd, hope they fix it soon

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I still have all mine.

Thats what you get for never running outside of premades.

That’s insane :open_mouth:, never seen anything like that before! Though I’m pretty sure it will get fixed soon hopefully…

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I saw at least one other post in bugs re: Honor Level problems post patch, so this is not Blizz hammering anyone. But it would have been kinda funny if they did hammer premades.

I hope you get it fixed OP!

Edit: I accidentally posted this in another thread and so had to add this bit so it wasn’t so similar!

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HK is bugged for me. Bloodthirsty title still remains. Expect some usual pre-xpac glitch.

still not fixed…

This is what everyone gets for running premades.

You now need to re earn your honor levels without cheating.

You can borrow five of mine - but I’ll need them back.

Mine are unaffected, must be a bug. Glad it wasn’t affected, got my 500 mount a week or two ago, woulda been upset if I lost 80% of my honor levels before getting the mount.

Have you tried logging into all your alts? Maybe swap your warband around?

idk if you have been asked this, but have you put in a ticket re: this? Keep the ticket tight and on point, etc if you have not. I’d be curious what they say.

put in 2 tickets both at max replies gonna open a third one tonight

Nah don’t do that. One is enough.

Wait for them to get back to you. If it is taking a long time, maybe the answer is not obvious.

If you have to open a new one, ref the old ones in it.

Also, I think someone said you have the achieves, so this is almost certainly a bug.

I would crying about something that’s blizzard has already commented on is whats actually dishonorable.

just finished reading this thread. The constant salt over premades is alarming. yall need to touch grass lol.

It was just a joke, but the typical epic bg q-sync vs pug match is a pvp atrocity. Many of these matches are so one-sided that it resembles level 60s ganking level 30s in original wow. Both of these activities are permitted by Blizzard, yet many players see problems with such one-sided pvp.

Going on 3 months without a fix i guess im done posting or trying to get it fixed…

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What did blizzard say on your ticket?