Hey there Enchatin!
[The Numpty Brigade] on Illidan is looking for a priest healer.
We are an AOTC / Mythic guild that raids Wednesday and Friday at 7-10PM CST. Our prog from this tier is 8/8H and 3/8M and we hope to get some more bosses down in 10.1!
We are currently taking a break, however we do still plan to run Heroic alt runs, achievement/transmog runs, and potentially still do 2/8M for vaults.
In addition to raiding, we’re very keen on keys, with the majority of our members achieving KSM and beyond each season.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of our officers:
ACKLE: Ackleholic#3313 (Discord)
KREG: Kreg#2602 (Discord)