Holy Shock macro

I’m trying to make one that does @mouseover heals on nameplates, and if not mouseover then it goes to current target, and if no target then heal me.

Currently I have /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][@target] Holy Shock working but if I add [@player] it just gives me a “no target” error.

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Holy Shock

Keep in mind that Holy Shock isn’t a standard helpful spell, so if you want mouseover > friendly target > player, you need this:

/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help][@player]Holy Shock

The template you posted above will prioritize damaging an enemy over healing the player.

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Is there a way for it to work without having to use some modifier like alt/shift/ctrl? It just seems like there should be a simple way for the macro to operate as: if mouseover [holy shock], if no mouseover then target, if no mouseover or target then player.

Yes, this does what you want. If you also want it to hit enemies, use this:

/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][]Holy Shock
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Yeah the [mod:alt,@player] in the template is to force casting on yourself regardless of what you’re mousing over or targeting.