Holy Paladin reroll LFG - AOTC + 2/10M

Former DPS (2/10M) and tank looking to reroll to holy pally for the rest of the expansion after my guild fell apart. Looking for a guild to pick up healing with. Prefer EST times

Hello there, if you are willing to switch to Alliance we would love to have you. We are currently pushing into mythic, 10/10 H on Stormrage. Our raid times are 9:30-12 est Tues/Thrusday. We also push keys and mess around with other random stuff. Feel free to msg me on discord Nicci#9355 if interested!

Hey Variable!

We are always looking for great healers and players!

We over at Pack Mentality on Illidan - Horde US are scouring the interwebs for awesome folks seeking a home away from home. With an average age around 30, we have players from across the world ranging from military and students to 9-5ers and stay-at-homers. With such an interesting blend of personalities, we have had a fun time learning from each other!

Formed in the summer of 2019, the guild has achieved AOTC in Eternal Palace, Ny’alotha, and Castle Nathria with some mythic kills. Our goal is to further our adventure into mythic Castle Nathria. Raid nights are Thursday 8pm-11pm Central and Friday 8pm-11pm Central. Saturdays are an optional night typically reserved for alt runs/pvp/keys.

Current Progression: 3/10M, 10/10H

Our current needs are as follows:

  • Tanks: Any (1)
  • Healers: Priest, Paladin, Druid
  • Melee DPS: Any
  • Ranged DPS: Any (Boomie pref)

If your spec is not listed, we would still love to chat! We are always recruiting exceptional players and all roles for Mythic +.

For further information, feel free to add myself KriztovChaos#1801, or raand#1678.

Would you be interested in mornings?

Horde - Mal’Ganis

Wednesday - 8:30am - 11:30am CST
Thursday - 8:30am - 11:30am CST


If your interested you can add me Fearu#1984 or discord FearU#325

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No Turning Back 6/10M and 10/10H

We are currently open to many specs and classes and looking to expand our roster. Our website is guildsofwow. com/noturningback without the spaces and Feel free to apply and reach out.

We are a guild on Sargeras that has an active community, both in game, and on Discord. We are active during off raid nights with mythic+ and other in game content. We are a 2 night, 6 hours a week, raiding guild with intentions of achieving Cutting Edge. We have built a solid core and are looking for a few more raiders to add to our community and roster. We like to joke around and pick on each other all in good fun, but when it comes to progression we know how to change modes and be serious to get content down. Our atmosphere is extremely important to us, therefore we have a zero drama tolerance. We are looking for long term raiders with a competitive drive and a desire to always improve. If you think we are the right guild for you please apply below and an officer will reach out shortly.

What we value from raiders:

Community driven and being a team player

Ability to take criticism well

Positive mindset regarding progression

Drama free


Maintaining your character and knowledge of your class


Raid Schedule:

Tuesdays and Wednesdays 7:30-10:30pm CST


• Mythic+ 15+ keys

• Have DBM/Bigwigs, Exorsus Raid Tools, RCLootCouncil, and WeakAuras.

• Be on time for raid invites with consumables which include pots, food, flasks, and runes.

• Knowing your class. Keep up to date on the latest and greatest talents, and gem/enchant combinations to perform as well as possible on each fight.

• Research each fight for your specific role/class.

• Sign up to raids on the in-game calendar.

Attendance: We are looking for competent and reliable raiders that can maintain at least a 90% attendance rate. We are all adults with lives outside the game so we do understand that things happen. Our policy on missing raids is to notify an officer at least 24 hours before raid, unless an emergency occurs.

to the tippity top


Our guild is looking for a holy paly. Raid times are Wed/Sun 7-10 EST. 2/10 M. Lmk if that sounds interesting to you.

Discord: Koliupy#4041

Hi there! Let me know if you’d be interested in chatting!

Potency is a newly formed team looking to builds a semi-hardcore atmosphere and push into CE. We would love to bring on like-minded folks who want to avoid the 2-3 “carries” in their raids and have mutual respect for the other folks’ skillset and attitudes within their raid. If you fit that mold, we would love to hear from you!

Recruitment Needs

  • 1 Tank (You should be a tank’s tank. Looking for someone who can play multiple tank classes within a meta to fit the needs of progression)

  • R DPS (Specifically looking for Ele, S.Priest, Mage, Lock, Chicken)

  • Heals (Non-Priest)

Raid Times

Tues/Thurs: 7:30-10:30 CST


Abous Us

was founded by 2 long-time raiders who wanted to avoid routine carries in semi-casual groups. The goal is to push for CE and to improve tier over tier. Both of us are multi-top 50 players historically and have been on this game since release in 2004. Leadership has been running guilds for upwards of a decade now.


Build a CE roster over the next raid tier and aim for a top 500 WW position in the long haul. This is a new guild. Be prepared to build a roster with us.

Hey Vari,

We’d love to chat! Kovas#1022 (Discord)

4/10M (Should be 5-6/10 This week)
Fri/Sat | 10p-1a EST

Interested. Can you drop some contact info?

Kovas#1022 (Discord)
Kovas#11562 (Battle Net)

Discord: Ekyu#3966

BNET: Ekye#11711

Hey my guild is seeking a Hpally, we’re 2/10M but more on the casual side. We’re on Alliance- Sargeras. Hit me up if you wanna chat @ Robert#6541

Hello! We are a AOTC guild looking for more active players! We are on Horde- Thrall. Currently heroic raiding only Wednesday nights 9PM server for 3 hours. The main goal is to grow into a full raid team to push content next tier! There are a handful of us ready for mythic but we need more! Members also consistently pvp and just chill! If you would like to learn more - just reach out! :slight_smile:

hey man we might be a good fit if you are still searching 3 almost 4/10 M on 2 day schedule.

Hey Veriablesjr,

We are a 5/10M Alliance guild on Sargeras that is looking to add a H Pally to our raid roster. We raid Sat/Sun starting at 7pm central time. The guild recruit post is below. If you have any questions or are interested, feel free to contact me on Discord - Cethin#8340 or Bnet - Cethin#11676.