Holy Paladin looking for guild

Holy Paladin looking for raiding guild wanting to push CE. I can raid any night from M-TH 630PM - 12AM MST. I can switch servers and races if need be.

we are in need of a holy pally. so ill leave our guild spam and hope to hear from you

request sent

Let’s chat on Discord.


BNET Heifinator#1433
Discord Heifinator#2853

Lets see if we are a good fit!


We would love a Holy Pally!

Chee Kon is recruiting for Dragonflight. Our goal is AOTC which we have achieved previously and then to step into Mythic as the roster permits. We’re currently 7/8N and 1/8H. Ras is at low% pulls and will die next raid.

We raid from 7PM PST - 10PM PST Mon/Wed.

We are looking for 1 tank, a few healers(off spec is fine) and a few more DPS to round out our raid group. Strong preference toward in guild players, but we can work with cross server/faction in the right circumstances.

Please reach out to the below individuals if you are interested in hearing more!

BNET: Tacobucket#11442
Discord: Ginobli#1260

BNET: Burtron#1991
Discord: Cheekon#8549