The healing bonus of Divine Image is more over 9s then what Lightweaver could possibly provide.
Also, I would advocate that Answered Prayers is a must have for Oracle if you’re bombing out 4 PoMs in a row. Without Answered Prayers you’re losing out on that bonus.
You know, I’ve never seen it less clear what the “cookie cutter” is supposed to be in WoW than it’s been this season, with both Wowhead and Icy Veins posting a plethora of builds and changing them much more often than usual.
I would prefer Divine Hymn and Gale and Prismatic Echoes instead of Renewed Faith, Enlightenment and Symbol. And yeah, probably go with Answered Prayers.
Mana shouldn’t be too critical, renew procs from Bene too seldom to count for much towards Renewed Faith, and SoH is a nice to have but I wouldn’t put it above the buffed Hymn, 30% healing bonus and the passive mastery HoT. But that could also reflect how salty I am by how drastically they nerfed Symbol in 10.2 and how awful it feels to channel for 4 seconds in any stressful situation…
But yeah, I would say everyone has a lot more actual choice this season than I can ever really remember in the game with all the different playstyles and interactions.
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OK, just logged back in for a bit after reset and have to say, jeez, it’s night and day playing Oracle with the builds we’ve been talking about. I thought Archon was pumping but it’s unbelievable what you can do with Oracle now that I’m getting the hang of it, especially during Piety or the Everything Prem.
Haha, it’s hilarious seeing Premonition of Piety as my top heal.
Answered prayers for oracle ofcourse, probably not for Archon though…and i agree totally, kinda impressed how malleable the trees are for holy this season are. I know you will have the meta builds coming out but we have seen in the past that things change almost weekly after M+ and heroic/mythic raiding start.
The problem with taking Hymn over hope, you still need to take either benediction or Prayer of Healer to go onto the next tier. Maybe this build? again its for Archon.
i completely forget hope exists in M+ even though it’s on my bars, never really needed to use it.
Can obviously swap between DI and Light Weaver but this doesnt seem terrible.
I just tap-cancel this in dungeons lol. Only the first tick is needed to proc the cd reset on defensives anyway.
And yeah, I also do not run Renewed Faith for the most part, pretty useless talent without Healing Chorus + CoH.
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