Holly Longdale Gamer PC Interview for WoW: "we should have listened more"

BlizZard should listen more to tank and healers communities. The game would do a lot better if they did that right?

They would not push unpopular healer and tank changes with little testing and time on beta to live right?


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Fair, you’ve got me there. Again it’s Deunan zero and magicians 1

I mean, as a mage I can literally throw phoenixes at people. So yes, throwing fireballs is accurate. They are just bird shaped.

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/pulls up a chair…

Back in the days of Blizzard North, we’d (fans/players/content creators) IRC with Bill Roper and other devs about the game, it was a nerdfest but they reacted directly to feedback.

It was a thing they were known for, having such a cool relationship with the fans, but as the players became more aggressive this changed.

Let’s hope this new era of communications can be managed well enough to be of use.

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Maybe they should listen to discord communities? Why not? They surely would listen to theory crafters on discord right?


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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People seem to missed the part of matching feedback to data and if the data doesn’t back it up than they might be hesitant to change it. But in other cases than yes feedback will work only the data backs it up or tested.

Kudos to Blizzard for accepting this and taking action to remedy something they identified as being an issue threatening the longevity of the game. DF was quite the fun expansion even if the story left much to be desired so its at least a signal to me that we are heading in the right direction now.

Lets hope this means TWW will be great. I enjoyed the leveling and have enjoyed the few dungeons I’ve done so far. Looking forward to how things shape up over the course of season 1!

I agree. Whether this is different from the many “We listen!” communications we have gotten through the years has yet to be seen.

Sometimes the data doesn’t paint the full picture. Just because there’s a lot of participation, doesn’t mean that players actually like it. They are either forced into doing an activity (Torghast for example) or feel obligated to do so.

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It’s not a WoW expansion without the regular, like clockwork, “we are listening” discussion lol.

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Says they should listen to player feedback more, continues to be stubborn about TBC flying being locked behind Pathfinder. The unspoken part of her statement is they should listen more if they need to generate good PR otherwise continue to ignore feedback.

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Manipulating data to form the feedback you are looking for is what has doomed WoW development.

Instead why not directly ask players?

Eg. Rogues why are you the least popular class in WoW?

Instead they look at the data and shrug their shoulders as they buff mages for the 11th time while Demon Hunters, Shamans Rogues, Warlocks and Monks need reworks.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Those classes got a lot of reworks like across two expansions and patches like Jesus it’s not always about you and you and you.

pathfinder is another example too!

TBC normal flying aka steady flying should not be gated by pathfinder!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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This xpac so far feels like “more of the same”.

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Pathfinder was their “compromise” because they were super salty with the player base having rebuked their attempts to remove flying entirely. It probably shouldn’t be a thing, but I don’t see it going away anytime soon.


Oh, so which players were calling for early access?


I think it will go away sooner than most think. The deal is broken as DR exists now and TBC normal flying should not be gated by PF.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Anyone who posts about when blizzard mentions listening to player feedback, and especially in the framing of “should have listened more”… understand the context in which this is said.

To merely explain the progress from WoD to DF:

WoD → We want meaningful content to progress, none of these apexis crystals that doesn’t do anything, also general complaints about talents being boring and builds being too stale are popularized here

  • Legion introduces AP to progress and legendaries to mix up playstyles, and just more content in general to do

Legion → Things are too random and the AP grinds are bad at the start of the expansion but overall folks aren’t happy or unhappy about them, just a lot of content folks can do, legendaries are fun but the random drops aren’t, M+ is great but need more things to vary itself

  • BFA introduced Azerite armours and a different kind of AP grind to make world content meaningful, allow players access to tier-like effects early in the game, removed legendaries and instead put some of the more interesting passives into Azerite armours

BFA → A general lack of content that felt meaningful, Azerite armours weren’t a hit because nostalgia is too potent so can’t mess with folks tier sets, characters opted for the easiests possible forms of AP grinds because they were necessary but not fun and folks didn’t want to participate in non-trivial content

  • SL introduced meaningful choices with the covenants, removed randomness as you could now make your legendaries, wanted to provide a more dangerous zone, and experimented more with affixes

SL → More or less took all the feedback and all of what were meant to be positives and … they weren’t. Covenants weren’t liked because it was the wrong type of meaningful choice, legendaries felt pointless but also necessary, professions were nuked because of having to craft meaningless legendary junk, characters like Zovaal weren’t fleshed out and became a joke

  • DF made profession talents so you had meaningful non-player power related choices which also fixed the overwhelming majority of issues of SL-professions (created a very small amount of DF-specific issues that are largely fixed in TWW), characters were given more development time to be part of the story, no segregated zones, talent trees were completely overhauled so we get access to the fun powers but without it being tied to expansion specific borrowed time systems, and any form of progression outside of profession specializations were largely removed making it voluntarily if one wanted to participate in non-player power specific progression systems.

The point is this:
Blizzard does in fact listen to A LOT of feedback. To claim otherwise is ignorance and stupidity of the highest possible margin.

When Blizzard says that they are going to “listen more” to feedback … it means that they are going to listen more to useful feedback. So it is quite important to remember this because otherwise … one is gonna say some really darn silly things.

More like copy and paste but your point stands. +1

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: