Holinka is leaving Blizzard

Which one? Apparently Riot is developing a Destiny clone and another MMO.

I didn’t know holinka cared about it


Didn’t even know he still worked there. Bye. Maybe they’ll get someone who cares about pvp.


he did in his own unique way.

good, now they can bring back full scale broadcast multiboxing in Battleground and /follow.

Most of what is not good about PvP is the fault of people other than Holinka and the other PvP-focused people (if there are any left) as I understand

This is his 2nd time leaving, yes?

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I remember how excited people were the first time Holinka left.

When he returned, it was basically “maybe he learned from his mistakes the first time”

The buggy mess of Ashran, for example, was his baby.

He was also the lead combat designer. Combat related systems. Class design. A very popular topic of complaint here.



Hope he takes Ashran with him this time


Good riddance maybe now we can get balance and warlocks nerfed

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he hasn’t had anything to do with pvp since he came back before SL

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great, i guess. we needed another new MMO on the market that will do well for a week and then be forgotten entirely like the rest


I wish him the best in life as a human being, but this man gave us Ashran so I’m glad to see him leave Blizzard.

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Ironically I think the only newer mmo that’s doing well is New World
 it’s seen a large uptick in players and positivity as patches have gone on.

This is until Amazon somehow deletes another server again.

i haven’t heard a single thing about that MMO since it came out, and even then, the only reason i even knew about it existing is because these forums went through a new world trolling phase at the time

He might’ve got twice his current salary to leave
Or a better position with more responsibilty

Holinka was always my favourite, tough loss for WoW.

Also, he hasn’t been the PvP lead in a very long time. Some of ya’ll need to update your BS.


Well, He was the only Dev to response to the lack of BGs thread created on CC some weeks ago

from my understanding, He was working mostly on pvp / encounter desing.

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