Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

And they even emphasized that you don’t have to win to get the rewards. You can get everything(?) just by playing.


As a forknife enjoyer, I actually don’t mind a battle royale, but this isn’t it at all.


Except I have. After you hit 2500 m+ rating there’s no reason to grind m+ anymore. I don’t care at all for mythic raiding, so once I was finished with heroic there was no reason to raid either. I haven’t touched wow in a while now but I’ll try this new mode.

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It could be considered spam to have 5 different posts.

I genuinely hope you find comfort and joy in playing this new dog water game mode.
It’s just definitely not for me and seems like a massive waste of time.


see you in TWW! :slight_smile:


Curious if these limited time rewards will come elsewhere in the game later down the line, whether it be the trading post or somewhere else? Also curious how long the game mode lasts ‘several weeks’ is pretty vague. Personally I think the game mode looks fun and I am excited to give it a go.

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Thankfully the wow forums are a very small aspect of the overall wow community.

grumbles in the cheaters picking Warrior tier sets for S4

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Not all of us. I’m a PVE’re and I’m excited. Hurry up with maintenance so I can play already!


This looks really fun! Has a lot of interesting implications for stand alone PvP down the road.


Omg what is this discsuting thing? Who asked for pvp patch lmao, where is brawler guild that was promised long ago, litteraly anything is better than this


That’s a reach. They were posted for discussion after an event released, and they shouldn’t be deleted for that. Even the other post, for such discussion, was deleted, that a blue made.


I HATE PvP. I won’t play this. It is not fair to insult others who DO like it though. Let people enjoy things.

It would be like me pitching a fit because they served cake when I wanted pie.

There is no way they were going to make everyone happy with whatever they did. In this case, it is not something I care for.

Academically I hope they get good data from it, that it works out, that some folks enjoy it, and that there are other different game modes in the future that I do like.


AHHH YES! This is going to do for a very good for Tali&Evitels “It was a s**t show segment”


Which means they’re not even that interested in testing the thing they just want to show shareholders “look how many people participate in this!”


Then they should have just put those assets in WoW? Not made something from 2018, reveal literally nothing about it until today and expect their entire community to cheer.
They should have just said they were working on a BR, not kept mum about it.

But whatever, good for the PvPers I’m glad they finally get something


I think blizzard should hire actual players to give real input to the game cause it’s very clear that no one internally plays outside of a little bit of play testing and just throwing out random ideas.


Calling it dog water before even trying it? Do you just enjoy being negative?

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I’ve played fortnite before. It’s dog water.