Hogwarts legacy has housing

No clue. People are always asking her the dumbest questions.

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i miss swg and wildstar housing.

god, i wasted 100s of hours decorating my places + getting paid to decorate other players.

it was like, for while, my end game activity: super fun imo.

(weird, i know)

Not weird to me. I’ve probably spent that much time working on my SWTOR strongholds.

Romans did but after the collapse of the Empire we kind of forgot how they built a bunch of their stuff I mean we just recently figured out Roman concrete. Even then Romans had communal baths and stuff not everyone had personal toilets.

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Some day people will look back and say, " they used a handful of paper, ewww, savages "

People already do look at us in North America like this. Embrace the butt gun.

Ya, not sure why bidets have not become more common here

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People fear change, and sentient toilets are scary

There are so few wow players that actually want player housing if you all left tomorrow you would not be missed. You are far to the right of the decimal of wow earnings.

Again, fringe activity wanted by a few hardcore forum dwellers.

You vastly overestimate yourself. Garrisons were a total flop. I’m sure the few thousand rp types use them but it’s just more data showing housing to be a fringe activity not worthy of resource.

If you think the the average player would give up a raid tier or some number of dungeons in exchange for housing you are smoking your socks. Sorry honesty is so hard for you to take.

This conversation is pointless. You want player housing. I get it. You won’t believe that what you enjoy is a fringe game form. I get it. You don’t want anyone to disagree with you. I get it.

I hope you don’t get what you want. It’s not personal. I quit FF14 because I didn’t like all the weirdo rp stuff and felt the housing stuff was beyond dumb. I don’t want it leaking into wow and I’d certainly hate to see less playable content.

You have your opinion and I have mine.

Good luck to you.

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Yeah, people that wanted pet battles were also a tiny tiny minority.

until they added it in

What is with this constant need for housing? Honestly.

You have a garrison. You can literally set it up how you want it. You’d probably just /afk in it anyways. Or troll trade chat.

I also never understood why folks have to compare games to WoW. Of course they’re going to be different. WoW doesn’t have to have everything these other games have and vice versa. Don’t like what WoW doesn’t have to offer over this other game or games, then play those games where those features are available.

It’s simple really. Like it or not, WoW doesn’t have housing. (Outside of a garrison.)


Except you can’t. that’s why it’s not player housing lol

Of course not. But it would be cool if it did


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So, you can’t pick the blueprints you want to build in your garrison? Huh, new to me.

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ok, show me which one of those is a house I can set up.

You and I both know it’s not a house. I said you set up your garrison how you want it. Meaning you can pick and choose what blueprints to use.

grand theft auto is one of the most sold and played video game series like ever!!! i think wow needs to reconsider not letting me steal hordes cars and drive around and shoot orcs (from a car) thanks

I’m glad we agree.

Personally, I don’t want a garrison. I want a house. You know, an instanced, closed off area where I can chill in a room somewhere without npc’s barging in all the time.

but that’s just me I’m quirky like that

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Umm what. This is a very dishonest take.

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Sure. You’re right. My apologies folks. All garrisons are the exact same.

isn’t Hogwarts a single player game?? or is it a mmo ?? i don’t really know to be honest