< Mestov > of Illidan is now opening recruitment for Shadowlands. We are seeking exceptional players to add to our mythic roster. Please reach out to Bluff#1114 on BNET or Bluff#3277 on Discord.
Led by CE raiders, the guild was formed mid patch 8.3. Our current core consists of many returning veteran players of the game, used to raiding at a high level. As time has gone on and priorities have changed, we sought to create a relaxed schedule with a hardcore mindset. The goal is always to progress as far as we can and make adjustments as needed to make that happen.
Raid Schedule
Tuesday/Wednesday: 8:30-11:30 PM EST
Optional Normal/Alt runs on Monday
Current Progression
10/10 Normal
9/10 Heroic
- 1 Healer
- Ranged DPS
- Exceptional DPS of any class
If your class is not listed above and you are still interested in our guild, please do not hesitate to contact us. Exceptional players of any class/role will be considered.