[H][Mal'Ganis]Rogue/Warrior LFG!

Hello! I’m an assassination rogue/fury warrior player who loves raiding and doing dps! I’ve come back to the game after a while and am looking to raid seriously this expansion. I’m a quick learner and good listener, knowledgeable of my class and can take criticism well. I’m available on weekends and every night until 12pm est. Looking forward to raiding with you all!

Hey Bam I don’t want to waste your time, so let me know if this isn’t serious or sweaty enough for you. Our post is here. We are very, very capable at our core. I downplayed that extensively in the post as we are not looking for people that are going to jump ship if we don’t get CE in the first 2 weeks it’s available.

At any rate, the post is listed here. As it sits, we don’t have a warrior. At all.