awesome. i added you!
Patch day boys
need some pumpers
Hey I sent you a request on discord (nastyfacts#6915). I’m a resto druid with a long history of CE achievements and close-to-CE achievements dating back to WotLK. Add me back if you’re interested. Have a good day.
was nice chatting!
Still need dps
The huge punpers
need ranged pumpers
we need some more massive ranged slammers here
like Y U G E ones
No more healers tho!
Just some big deeps
Need pumpers
Need orange deeps
pumpers still needed
Hunter main here would have some interest in talking on Friday November 18th if you are available to talk some theres honestly a lot to say and it would be easier to put it into a conversation over discord than typing it all out.
Sorry that was the wrong toon this is my main
I won’t be free to do voice until Sunday but you can add me and we can just text throughout the weekend on Discord
Sent thanks
Still looking for stud dps