Good Morning, have a good day!
Goodnight, sweet dreams, recruiting exceptional players always, check out our wowprog for more info.
new month already!
Looking for gamers always!
updated our need
Looking for a disc priest, resto shaman, and DK DPS! Other classes / specs always welcomed if played exceptionally! Please apply with our link in the main post, or check out our wowprog, ty.
Morning, have a good day!
Hello fellow raiders
Recruiting gamers!
LF Disc Priest
Still looking for Disc Priest
DIsc priest and DK DPS, apply if interested. Thanks.
Still in search of the same classes! If your class or spec is not listed we’re always recruiting exceptional players with about the same experience for the tier. Feel free to apply if interested.
Late night lurker!
LF Disc Priest
In search of a good disc priest and DPS DK. Apply if this is something that interests you! We’re always looking for exceptional players of most class / specs though. Check out our wowprog for more info, thanks.
Still need disc priest
Still need discpriest
Looking for Disc Priest
hello my friend