Add me to BTAG Gooeytiddy#1804 and let’s talk! We are looking for pumpers. Like minded raiders that wants to push CE. Please have logs to review.
I’m hype for prog
Still need the deeps
Your turn to reply homie
Strong dps always welcome!
Need the pumpers here right meow
Need that dps
Still need the dps
More DPS. Come join a great team!
Yes definitely a good group
Need that sweet dps!
Looking for more! Add me Gooeytiddy#1804 and let’s talk!
stiilll need dps
need some pumpers!
need some prog heroes
Yuge bonus if your dps that drinks gfuel.
monster is way better
still need that dps!
Gfuel is more of a dps gain, just saying. LF dps
If yall need a tank, hit me up ValiantXDX-Area52 my info is on wowprogress. valiantx#1802 on discord ValiantX#1228 on bnet