Come Kill new bosses with us!
LF ranged dps and a healer!
We are looking for ranged dps and healers!
Looking for ranged dps and heals!
We are looking for dps and healers!
New week means new bosses dead! Still looking for Dps and healers!
LF dps and heals! Would love a hunter!
We are looking for more DPS and Holy pally
Would love a DK!
Crab dying soon! Need another DK and healer for Andy!
LF a healer and dps dk!
LF heals and a dps DK!
What Wuvs said!
LF DPS Death Knight and Heals! Open to Resto Druid, Holy Pally or Resto Shammy!
We are looking for a DPS DK, Ranged DPS and Heals! Resto Druid, Resto Shaman or Holy Pally!
Still looking for DPS DK, Ranged DPS and Heals! Resto Druid, Resto Shaman or Holy Pally!
We are looking for Ranged dps, a DPS Death Knight and another healer!
Recruiting everything! Come join us on Anduin!
Boy king is going down soon! Come join us!
Recruiting dps and heals for immediate raid spots!