Hinterlands & Searing Gorge

iirc in one of the Q&A’s they had said they have the full 1.12 database in tact and had no intention of messing with it. Meaning 1.10 dungeon gear. I would love if it weren’t in but I’m preparing myself for DM and 1.10 gear that way I won’t be disappointed


I’m fine with DM because it only really has an impact on Molten Core as DM was out already when every other raid released.

However the 1.10 gear will have an impact on ALL raids except for Naxx.

With 1.10 gear in play at the launch we have a severely damaged game.


Yes you are right, but leveling content not max level content is probably the distinction I should have made.

For instance silithus\EPL quest revamps I would not expect to be in until AQ\naxx patches. But maraudon\DM being level up content should be in game. Its about progression, anything that sits before MC in progression should be open prior to MC, unless it is tied to content after MC (like the twilight cultists in silithus).

I agree with you for sure. The only issue about the before MC stuff is that Hinterlands and Searing Gorge quests were the patch after MC.

Perhaps everything before BWL considering that’s the next raid content patch?

With very few exceptions all the 1.10 gear is replaced in MC/BWL.

I haven’t looked too closely at the t0.5 quest boss drops since that will not be added until the aq content bucket anyways.

Eh. I’d be fine with it. We’d outlevel any gear from those zones soon enough anyway, and it would just mean we have less mindless grinding around that level. Put em in.

Calendar wise they were patched in after, progression wise they sit well and truly before MC a good 5-10 levels before. Thats the distinction I am making.

The points is not that 1.10 will outperform the rewards of MC/BWL, its that it will lessen the challenge of MC/BWL significantly (also the abundance of good gear lessens barrier of entry to MC/BWL).

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One thing with Searing Gorge quest is Dark iron Brotherhood rep it gives, i think it’s around 2-3k bonus. Personally that’s not a huge deal, long run but something to keep in mind.

Run through Badlands at the bottom corner was a path into Searing Gorge.

IIRC, there was a mob south of that in the south west corner of Searing Gorge who had the key
…maybe i am mis-remembering.

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isn’t the only thing that’s going to be staggered raids? and possibly post-release dungeons?

so presumably the quests would be in at launch.

South East corner, but yea you got it. Very short chain after killing a particular mob.

Only concern I’ve seen mentioned is the thorium brotherhood rep recipe for transmuting elemental fire, which was claimed to have an effect on the economy.

That being said I am definitely planning my leveling to include hinterlands (ghazrilla mallet!)

Don’t forget the patch 1.10 gear (also known as T0.5/Dungeon Set 2) won’t be released until “Stage 3” with Ahn’Qiraji. Unless things change from now.

Thats the one!..no idea why I thought west…

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Was thinking, perhaps the best option would be to add both Hinterlands and Searing Gorge quests but remove the Thorium Brotherhood vendor so rep rewards could not be obtained.

Opinions on this?

do me in the doo

Hinterlands is my jam

I just remember it requiring a trip to the Explorer’s League in Iron Forge. Picked up that key before there was a FP at Thorium Point IIRC. That was a long time ago, and nice to have at the time.

Hope this clears up some confusion on old information.