[H][Illidan] <CthUwU> 10/10H 6/10M CN 12/12m NYA looking for solid applicants

Another week of 12/12m COME GET CE.

just need one more solid healer!

healers come here :frowning:

Come here healers :slight_smile:

Where them healers at.

Looking for more raiders!

Indeed, a few more dps would be nice.

Still looking for a healer and dps :slight_smile:

still have room for next weeks raid!

one more day till reset! come get CE!

Update! need hunter/warlock healer and maybe 1 melee dps/

Need a solid dps to join the roster. Melee are welcome!

Could use a few more strong raiders!

We could use a few more strong raiders!

still need em

Looking to switch from monk to shaman


Add me on either one if you’re interested
discord: ryan[=#4430
bnet: Duffy#1180

Still need some strong current raiders

looking to fill core roster positions? any classes in particular you’re looking to fill?

any space for healers? MW monk fully cleared heroic looking to do mythic. I know all the fights and have decent competency but have been doing pvp mainly this xpac. 55% vers and has voodoo totem

If you have any questions add me on discord and I will get you the application link. Still need solid raiders. Please have CE or at least close to getting CE this tier.