Highest PVP Rank not reinstated - Classic Era

But it’s also in the bullets concerning ‘retaining your lifetime kills’ which is a historical stat.

I understand that interpretation of it. A lot of us stopped pvp’ing because of the reset, and being told it was being “wiped”. We all understood “wiped” to mean reset from scratch. To then announce a week before the pvp honor system stops calculating that you’ll retain your rank, and also “retain” your highest earned rank, it also reads as you will revert to your previously accomplished rank.

Maybe splitting hairs here - but more clarity on all of this initially, and giving people back their highest earned rank, considering they’re allowing retention of current rank, seems like it would be a reasonably fair thing to do in this situation. Not the end of the world, no, but some people deranked down to ranks 1-4 from 10+ in since May based on the original announcement.


What is the point of not reinstating the highest achieved rank? All it does it hurt people that have previously ranked. Seriously, this is really disappointing considering I spent countless hours grinding rank to hit a goal. Blizzard is saying the work I put in isn’t equal to the work of others who have recently ranked.


Or equal to the work of people who now get to rank in an easier system, makes no sense.


This isn’t how the post reads.

The post in question doesn’t mention it showing on the tab. It reads like I will retain...your lifetime highest rank which tells me I should be recognized as a Grand Marshal, with the title, and with access to the officer lounge.


But lifetime highest rank is a historical stat, and always has been. It only exists on the tab, just like kills.

And by that logic - doesn’t that also mean it says ‘you will retain your current honor rank’. Which would mean you don’t go up to your lifetime highest rank? You retained your current rank - of rank 3.
Otherwise it would’ve mentioned that you would be SET TO your lifetime highest rank.
Or you would be reinstated TO your lifetime highest rank.

I get it’s confusing because it’s referencing a historical stat. And I also get there’s room for interpretation here, and that’s not amazing in the least bit. But based on this result all 3 things listed - DID happened:

  • You retained your lifetime kills.
  • You retained your lifetime highest rank. [this is why you can still equip things that say requires Grand Marshal on them]
  • You retained your current honor rank.

If #2 was what you thought it was, then #3 wouldn’t have happened, right? The post never mentioned that they were doing #2 OR #3.

Again, I don’t like this in the least that there’s a miscommunication here. But I hope you can understand where it looks like the way I see it. Because I definitely can understand where it looks like the way you see it.

It was a historical stat in a system with decaying rank and limits on the number of people in each bracket. It made sense to not retain rank in that system. This new system isn’t that so saying “historical stat” is meaningless and doesn’t justify ignoring our achievements.

After the official achievements system was added to the game, some achievements have been retroactively recognized. Why not now?

Bottom line is the team failed to communicate effectively with the community, and failed to solicit feedback on this topic. Due to those failures, there are a bunch of people that has had their ranking achievements discarded. Slap in the face.

And, you have the audacity to sit here and defend the decision to not recognizing our achievements by arguing over semantics of previously poor communication. Just salt in the wound.


This is an opportunity for the wow dev team to do the right thing. What will they decide? Granting our historical rank does NO HARM to the game or community.


But you argued semantics first, so I brought clarity?

Also just to be clear, I am not defending the decision to not grant you lifetime highest rank as your current rank. I am just saying this is what the post reads/means.

Excuse the very direct question, but do you work for Blizzard/Activision in a role tasked with engaging the community on bugs?

Seriously? Go back, read the thread again. You asked for some proof of what was communicated. Someone shared it. You then proceeded to “explain” it to us. So no, I didn’t start arguing semantics first.

BTW, in communication, especially professional communication, the effectiveness of communication is measured by the recipient. So get out of here with “yall misunderstood it”.


Here is a question posted on the PVP Updates post seeking clarification. Nobody at Blizzard bothered to take 2 minutes to reply to that question to clarify their communication.

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Who gives a cr@p about “highest rank earned on the Honor Tab” if your title only shows your current rank?

This implementation especially screwed the people who let their current rank decay over the last three months because they knew they couldn’t hit R14 and took Blizz’s statement that there would be a “full reset” at face value.

Had people known they could have kept my current rank, they could have at least done a little PVP to maintain it. Instead, Blizz just rewarded the people who failed to hit R14.


Because if that reset then you couldn’t equip any of the items that say “Requires Grand Marshal” on it.

Because if that reset then you couldn’t equip any of the items that say “Requires Grand Marshal” on it.

And that was never a concern from anyone because there was never a threat of losing the ability to equip that gear, and it was never stated it would potentially be an issue.

Most people never saw the post I linked you, hence why very few people even realized they would be retaining their current rank, and why you asked to site my source. The verbiage is misleading in the post, especially since they said the ranks would be reset going all the way back to May. But then stealthily put out that announcement stating people would retain their current rank, and retain their highest rank (interpret as you will).

There are two interpretations of the announcement, obviously. Reverting your rank back to it’s highest achieved seems to make sense if they are now allowing current ranks to be retained as well. Seeing as there is a mess of issues with this patch in the first place, I see that Blizzard should address this point with some clarity on their end. Explaining why last minute, they decide to retain current ranks without notice, but not restore highest previously achieved.


Same with me. I leveled up during the most difficult time, the COVID shutdown of 2020. I achieved rank 14, but it quickly decayed out. Was hoping to have my rank / title restored yesterday like it was on classic TBC / WOTLK but it wasn’t!


I don’t think this is a bug.

I read the original post too and at first thought that my R13 would get the rank back but upon rereading I figured out it would stay at R0 (so I have no interest in reranking it because why would I logically do that instead of ranking a new toon?).

The people for who this matters the most are those who were told to stop ranking because it was pointless and so they did to the point of deranking. So these players were punished for paying attention.

Also I tried to get people to provide feedback on getting the old rank as their rank in this new system but only like 2 people did that. I’m not sure where that feedback would even matter as there hasn’t been a single thing I’ve posted ever that has mattered. The only people who get listened to are streamers who are highly elevated in importance to Blizzard, even though streamers already get money and the passionate players get nothing at all. The rest of the player base may as well be black flies or something that’s just annoying because no respect is ever given.


I’ve ranked to 14. I want the title and the ability to buy gear that I initially passed on. For example, I didn’t buy the healing weapons as a warrior because warrior flask set wasn’t a thing on SOM but it is on Era.

So, if they don’t want to grant highest rank back, they should at least change access to purchase the gear to be based on highest rank, just like how it’s used to enable equipping the gear.

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Any updates from Blizz on this?

As far as I’ve seen, they haven’t acknowledged anything concerning this