High warlord transmog?

Will we be able to transmog the high warord and classic pvp items like blood guard, champion, warlord etc… at some point? the gear from the vendors in org do not add them to your appearance tab when you purchase them.


IIRC you would need to have the titles and rank from era or tbc to xmog them. Though it’s been long enough I am probably remembering incorrectly.

I know later on via the DMF (possibly a later xpac) you could get the appearances for meeting some prerequisite.

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that or at some point idr if its cata or later but you need 1800 in RBGs or 2k and you can buy the replicas that can be mogged (in Area 52)


They arent adding the replicas to area 52.
Blizz said theyre just going to allow the lvl 60 pvp gear to be used for transmog instead. However the restrictions i.e. Vanilla rank 8(?) Or RBG 1800 are required.

I sold that gear expecting the replicas, but rebought them last night and like you it wasnt adding to collections.

Should expect them working once cata has launched, maybe on Tuesday reset at worst. After that if they still dont work then theres a problem lol.

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You need to have the titlle. If u have the titles but not the gear at some point they put a vendor up on netherstorm that has replica gear that gives the transmog.

I just forget if it was cata or mop for that vendor.

Knowing blizzard its going to take them a month or longer to add them and be usable by anyone regardless of title/rbg. Since they are just going to use the actual gear instead of the replica gear, it would make no sense. Just add the replica gear is they still want the rank/title requirement.

It was cata, however, they stated they are not going that route this time around. There will be NO replica gear.

PvP Item Transmogs

Rather than utilize the Replica PvP Vendors that were originally added in patch 4.3.0, we’re changing all of the original WoW Classic (Era) PvP gear to be usable as transmog appearances.

All of these pieces of armor have been and will continue to be available from the Legacy Armor and Legacy Weapon Quartermasters in both the Champion’s Hall in Stormwind and the Hall of Legends in Orgrimmar.


They’ve already said they arent putting that vendor in and we use the lvl 60 items instead. Which isnt working yet even with rank.

3 of you gave replies without understand this so far lol.

I replied without seeing your first reply and just didnt edit my post cause i was busy questing.

All good man, GL lvling im not home yet lol

Tuesday reset at worst was my thoughts as well.

Well servers are back up after maintenance and still unable to xmog r14 gear :rofl: This has become a joke.

Can we blame them though? The entire 5 person classic dev team?


You should see the pvp community rn, we reported that the crafted set was the wrong item level in beta, and they fixed it for the beta but have released it at 377 ilevel and then additionally forgotten, bugged or intentionally locked us out of buying bloodthirsty gear.
We’ll find out which one of the three in the coming days.

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Its so gross lol

Inb4 white knight come to defend devs :shield:


most likely when pvp season starts on 28th

I don’t see why it would be released alongside PVP season start, as they said that the items that are already being sold in Org/SW will be transmogable - I would’ve assumed it would be available at cata launch. I think they just forgot lol…


these items have been in my bank for like 4 years now, this blows lol, they should consult some major private servers who host their own game better than they do for help, with their lack of devs or something


So, its Tuesday. Is anyone able to transmog their Ranking gear?

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Not from what ive been able to tell, at least from a toon that got rank 8+ in vanilla classic the items haven’t been added to my appearance tab.

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Bought a HWL weapon to test. Confirmed not working.

The way they worded it, they don’t require rating or previous pvp ranking, just that you have purchased the item.

Ok I just tried on my rogue with the gear I had in my bank.
For clarification. I am R14 on my rogue and its the original gear I purchased like 4 years ago.
Just to be sure I bought another piece of R13 armor to see if what I had was bugged. Still not working.
Literally have High Warlord above my name and the achievement is showing.
So, I dunno.

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Not working for me, have the original gear and rank 13.