High Latency Since 7/16 - Routing through NTT Japan

Each game has it own routing. Because they are not in the same locations. Even two games that the servers are within a few miles will also have different routing.

Fore example DOTA 2 severs are in Washington state and Virginia.

Can not change the fact that your ISP is responsible for routing. NTT is your ISP’s peering partner. And what it looks like is NTT is trying to save peering costs by using their network to get to LA. But by doing that it is increasing the distance significantly.

Just wanted to chime in here and say I am having the same issues. It’s a bad hop going to a tokyojp? Last night my ping shot to 2k and 4k, I had to log off, 100k from level 120, pretty upset. Hope this gets resolved soon. I ran a tracert when I woke up this morning and it was still showing 500 - 600ms.

Any updates to this situation? I’m at work so was curious if the bad hops are still happening.

Support just told me that the ISP causes the issue and that I should use Google DNS.

I just tried the Google DNS thing and it doesn’t appear to have done much.

So Google DNS would work? Can I tell Windows 10 just to use the Google DNS for WOW?

I’m on the same situation and the tracert shows exactly the same. I called the ISP and they gave me a generic answer, Could someone from blizz get in touch with Cablevision-Fibertel to try to fix this issue, playing with 300 + ping when the normal should be around 150ms is not fun at all.

Yea it hasn’t been that bad of late, that might have been on my wireless too. I’ve been playing with a VPN and its been silky smooth with like 5 hops to the server instead of 20. So yea my routing is boned. I can call my ISP again, but they basically told me ‘everything is fine’ when I did.

Any updates from Blizzard on this matter? NTT and my ISP are pointing fingers, I know Blizzard said they are compiling data to go to NTT with, I’m just curious now that it’s Monday, where we’re at? I can’t forsee continuing to shell out for a VPN to get my original ping I was getting before all this started.

At this point im feeling like a ping pong ball… ok lets say its not Blizzards fault, but it sure is your problem too cause im sure as hell im not paying a VPN plus the month fee to wow, i’ll will simply stop playing this game cause i have no problem playing ANY other game.

So this 200 ms jump is not on blizzards end. And has anyone been able to contact anyone to actually fix it or are we screwed?

Okay, it seems this is a not ending ping pong game where everyone points fingers to the other one but no one is able to give us a solution.
Lets say Blizzard has nothing to do as some MVPs gave us a resonable explanation, ill take it. But we, as costumers dont have any way to tell our ISP to change things, thats because we have a home service, not a company one. The only way to solve this, is if Blizzard is able to contact Arnet, Fibertel and explain the situation to someone that is not a callcenter guy that knows even less than us about this stuff.
Please i hope someone at Blizzard understands that calling to our “ISP support” is the same as in US being helped by a Hindú callcenter. They have 0 knowledge and just repeat what they have scripted in the 10 answers manual in front of them. Even if they want to help us i dont think they have the tools to do it. So the only way is for a company like Blizzard that can really speak to someone with the knowledge and tools to do something about it.
I came back just for 8.2, and its not as bad us 8.0 and 8.1 but i dont want to play with a min of 300ms, plus i wont be paying an extra VPN for that. Hope somebody can really help here.

Not trying to just complain, just explaining to you WE cant do anything about our ISP, dont tell us to contact them, its just a callcenter, nothing more.
Thank in advance.

EDIT: Also (this is for us as costumers), remember that sometimes ISP already know the issue and solve it in due time. The bad thing about it is that they dont like to say they have an issue and just solve that from the “shadows”. So maybe in some days we get this solve without us or blizzard moving a finger at all.
Just wanted to clarify that, happened before with Seabone.

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Looks like I’m no longer routing through NTT, I guess someone fixed something somewhere!

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
router.asus.c - 0 81 81 2 5 25 2
No response from host - 100 16 0 0 0 0 0
64-126-3-37.static.everestkc.n - 0 81 81 10 13 58 15
ibr34-te-0-2-0.mci.surewest.c - 0 81 81 10 13 61 12
be4163.ccr21.mci01.atlas.cogentco.c - 0 81 81 37 42 85 39
be2432.ccr31.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.c - 0 81 81 35 38 91 36
be2763.ccr41.dfw03.atlas.cogentco.c - 0 81 81 38 42 88 39
gi0-0-1-0.1198.agr11.dfw03.atlas.cogentco.c - 0 81 81 38 46 90 40
ae1-br01-eqda6.as57976.n - 0 81 81 34 40 94 38
et-0-0-4-br01-eqch2.as57976.n - 0 81 81 34 42 119 37
be1-pe02-eqch2.as57976.n - 0 81 81 33 38 90 38
chi-eqch2-ia-bons-04.as57976.n - 0 81 81 35 39 92 39 - 0 81 81 35 39 90 40
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Although this node is still giving me some pretty nasty spikes: et-0-0-4-br01-eqch2.as57976.n et

Ill have to check when i get home…but thats weird timing that it works after the hotfix today if it does lol

Seems like it’s fixed on my end too.

Hey all,

For those who have the NTT issue, we’ve made a change on our end to see if we could affect things. Is anybody still getting routed through Japan? If so, please run a new WinMTR and let’s see that info so we can see what’s up.

I’ve only played one BG since the change, but it seems tentatively fixed.

Will do more testing tonight and report back.

My latency is under 50…havent been under 70 ms for years…so whatever you did it worked. Thanks!

So the problem was in your end… huh. Anyways thanks for the fix and im waiting on the compensation days.

Yeah it seems that today my ms went to normal. Thx for the notice.
I’m also glad that blizzard was able to do something about it and kept in touch with us, something that didnt happen in the past.

I hope you have a good day and thx for the help.