Could you do something for me, fix your RNG system with this patch? There appears to be preferential for some accounts and not others. This has been a complaint for SEVERAL people, and it has never been fixed. I’ve run one instance over 100+ times to get one item, which has yet to drop for ANYONE I’ve run with. Learn how to code the game and create fair gameplay.
Let’s say a person’s RNG pops 2 out of 5 times. Guess what happens because their RNG is extremely too high? They have to wait 8 times because their RNG went off too many times… It’s not fun to see a crap load of people running around with 2400+ mythic scores, with all 400+ ilvl gear, and worked very little to gain it, while you have others spending weeks trying to get one item… That shows an extreme lack of coding and unfair gameplay created, intentionally or unintentionally, by Blizzard.
I’m going on 105+ runs of Halls of Valor… If you want to avoid helping me get the boots from Halls of Valor, Blizz, no one will get a drop from the chest if I obtain it. Do you want to fix the RNG issues? Do you want to play fair, Blizz? It isn’t any skin on my back because it’s pugs… So, it would be best if you treated people fairly.
How about giving me credit and rating for my TIMED +21 CoS? WoW website has record of my key (rating not added to total score), and my vault and ingame rating don’t know anything about my run.
UPDATE: Either complaining works or my rating was finally corrected coincidentally (2 DAYS LATER).
Ãnk and Sôsari, you’re stacked with almost top ilvl gear. You got what you needed and probably got it fast. That means you like the RNG system at this current time and don’t want it to change because it works in your favor.
Zothlar, you’ve stopped playing the game, from what I can see on the forums/character stats, and other things. Yet you go on the forums to comment on people’s forum entries. Your responses are valid, but your background currently shows a lack of evidence/conditions on loot drops.
I have 158 timed runs and 14 not timed runs. Overall, I’ve timed 144 runs. I’ve defeated that attempt to say I haven’t ran enough mythics. What’s the next thing you want to bring up in order to persuade others that the RNG system does not need to be addressed?
You haven’t done a single 16, seeing as you’ve timed 15 Court/SBG, you should be able to pug at least a 16 of those once a week.
For some reason you’ve also invested in sparks in everything but your mh weapon which seems like a very odd choice past lariat.
You’ve only timed 7 15s, meanwhile you have 90 keys in the 10-14 range (looks primarily like 11-12s), so your overall ilvl isn’t insanely far off from 402 average rewards in vault.
Your ilvl is also severely tanked by that blue trinket, of which there are dozens of open world, dmc, or alchemy trinket options.
Doesn’t really seem like an RNG issue unless you’re specifically complaining about not getting a BIS trinket.
Haste is the hardest thing to get. The blue trinket has haste + vers. I don’t have defensive trinkets worth using. I have the Horn of Valor and Blazebinder’s Hoof. If I wanted more DPS, I could use Blazebinder’s Hoof, which reduces the vers gains. The only reason why I would change the blue is for more DPS. I would only use a few trinkets because they have great defensives, and those two are from raids. Right now, every guild that I’ve run into says, “We’re full of tanks.” That’s why I run primarily mythics. My previous guild let me run a few raids with them. Finding a consistent mythic group isn’t there, so I’m stuck pugging nonstop. The drops that I’ve obtained are horrific, with poop stats. The weekly vault drops resulted in a few good trinkets and the chest piece, but that’s it.
Overall, my RNG is horrific, and people are saying the same. They’re willing to put on anything to get into groups because it ups their ilvl. So yes, I’m a bit picky about my gear due to horrific stats.
I can tell you put much time and work into the game, Rensi. That’s why I’m taking your information much more seriously than Sosari, Ank, and twink Zothlar. It isn’t that I’m not listening to them, but you have more grounds due to consistent work that it drowns out their attempts to persuade the reasoning behind my request of fixing the RNG.
Most of the people I speak to complain, but they really can’t because they’re running around in 400+ ilvl with the stats they want. So them shouting means nothing, to me at least. That’s just them wanting 75%+ RNG item drops that are 410+.
Secondary stats shouldn’t be your primary concern on gear until you’re approaching max ilvl. Main stat will outweigh getting good secondaries.
I think there’s a good argument to be made about the RNG of getting a good trinket however, or any special proc item/weapon. After running Nokhud about 40+ times, I finally got a single strike twice to drop.
I’m not sure why Blizzard takes a step forward with loot acquisition, then two steps back every expac. I’d strongly support some kind of token system to acquire m+ trinkets. While some may agree/disagree that no-lifing a single dungeon for weeks on end isnt healthy for a player or the game, having some kind of generic token (~20 quantity to purchase a BIS trinket) would be a nice reprieve.
I guess you missed the great big Alt of Kaliendara link on the raiderio page.
My main is Kaliendara-Area52. Besides which, my background isn’t really relevant to anything I’ve said in this thread. It would be just as right as if I actually had stopped playing.