High end FFXIV raider LF TWW home for mythic

Hullo Ladelva,

As someone who has recently been playing FF14 off and on for the first time, I can say that from WoW to FF14 there are key differences of course like there are with any game. However, dedication to understanding a fight’s pattern is still something both games will require in a raiding setting so much as knowing a time window to utilize your class abilities to perform the best.

Most guilds will more than likely ask you about logs and look at achievements for wow raiding history. I can say we probably will ask as well and look over what you do have, as most of the folk in our community lean in toward WoW raiding versus a FF14 environment. However, we do have a corner of folk who play FF14 and enjoy it for the game it is as well. (Even hold outs like me who knew that the FF8 love would hook me to the game if I had ever started it sooner).

We are currently looking for healing or dps spots for a CE focused team that to my understanding is about the same as doing ultimate level raids in FF. I believe the times for that team will match, and will link it below for your reference. I can say, we are looking at healing openings for the team but also are looking at dps. We currently do not need Resto Druid or Hpal for this team, but if you prefer healing other options are not off the table so to speak. And of course, Mage or Warlock would both be fine if you prefer dps.

One of our admins has played FF14 much longer than I, and can connect dots that I do not fully understand between game mechanics and raiding environments. I’ve given your info to them, but in case you get an add, their discord is nocthios.

We want to chat, and see if maybe what our guild community offers may be able to work for what you are looking for, and other than that we wish the best for you in your search.

:wine_glass:Red Team -CE Focused. Aim to Cutting Edge in tier.
Previous Raid Team History:
6/9M ATDH, 8/9 M Aberrus, 6/8 M Vault
Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday andThursday 8pm -11pm EST.
With a goal for CE, three nights will be starting to allow time for progression. Start time could still range from 8 to 9pm, if the team wants to adjust
Recruitment Open: Healing and DPS spots
Logs and Mythic Raid History preferred.

“The way I see it, as long as you make it out of a battle alive, you’re one step closer to fulfilling your dream.” -Seifer