High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Ah yes I think I did catch a bit of that but I zoned out.

I guess refusing to help ruibuild a kingdom while chilling at a magical city gives him the impression of them being “hardworking people” and thus, that should totally be canon.

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Well blood elves only rebuilt half of silvermoon while high elves not only helped rebuild dalaran, but made it float too.


I’m kidding, I know silvermoon has been rebuilt in lore for a long time now.
I’m sure they could make it fly too if they really wanted to.


I mean, Aethas was one of the people that was there to make it fly in the first place.

Maybe it’s about time he redeemed himself by helping his people for once.


we could have like a buddy movie of him and Baine realizing they’ve wasted their lives pining for the Alliance and going on a road trip to make things right with their people


And it ends with Rommath hitting Aethas over the head with a rolled newspaper while shouting “See!? I told you so, you schmuck!”


Actually isn’t the throne room in silvermoon technically in a floating building?
Also a lot of the places their mages studied floated too, I remember that from questing in eversong.

Is it too late now to have them learn the true meaning of Winter’s Veil too?


I see Fyor for the 4th day in a row is trying to project his silly opinion as fact without any sort of evidence to prove it.


Not exactly, it is weirdly attached to the back of the structure but, realistically speaking, that much weight would have given in long, long ago.

And now I’m thinking about Aethas and… it’s a real wonder that Aethas even took on the sin’dorei label… considering his proclivities.

It’s never too late for that.

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That is odd… I wonder how he even got green eyes if there were no fel crystals in dalaran and had plenty of magical artifacts for him to tap?

Maybe during his time of hardship he drained magical and occasionaly fel-touched creatures so there would be a few more artifacts around for those elves who wouldn’t drain creatures.
I think I could see him doing that.

  • Their city is cleaned and maintained by magical constructs.
  • Their kingdom is kept in a perpetual spring, through the use of magic.
  • They drink mana-infused tea, throw extravagant parties, and many of them wear silk clothing even during war.
  • They’ve built leisure rooms, harams, or hookah bars in at least half of the places they’ve setup shop.

You’re free to interpret from this what you will, I interpret it as them being addicted to the high life. :man_shrugging:

There wasn’t a tantrum, I merely pointed out that your accounting of events was simply untrue (as demonstrated by the Warcraft Chronicle’s chronological ordering of events).

It’s evident that having your headcanon challenged bothers you, this feeling could be avoided in the future by avoiding subjects about which you aren’t intimately familiar (and you should probably not let the fact that anything you post gets spam-liked by bored, rabblerousers lead you to believe you’re more knowledgable than you are).

He’s got green eyes for the same reason Alleria’s eyes remained blue during her prolonged stay in fel infested worlds… because of Blizzard’s sweet, sweet inconsistencies.

Perhaps he did return at some point but who knows for how long, but apparently it was long enough for him to get the green glow that was in style in Quel’thalas at the time?

Seems like a stretch, but one that blizz would surely use.


Are you just attacking everyone because people can clearly see who is right and it’s not you?


Meanwhile the honest, hard-working Sunreaver relaxes after a long day of being the group to teach humans magic to start with.


So in all the time from after Arthas until the Sunwell was back, the high elves in Dalaran faced exactly the same hardships as the Blood Elves?

Could you stick to one story? I mean, this is about you claiming they will always choose the path of least resistance, not that they enjoy nice things. It’s not like silk makes war easy mode, or that people who throw parties don’t work when they aren’t partying. And oh my, they have areas for down time in places they’re living, oh the shame.

How much work goes into maintaining the magic that keeps the land in spring? Why does automating tedious work make a society indulgent instead of prioritizing more important work.

You can take about any race in wow and cast their behavior like that, it doesn’t matter how much work they put into it if you can find out how to sell it as being work made towards lessening the amount of at least some types of work they need to do.

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“The people aggreeing with you are doing it out of boredom, the two aggreeing with me are valid and worth listening to”.

Good ol’ Fyor.

On a side note, here’s an artist’s rendition of what Alleria should have truly looked like after her tour de force through Legion dominated worlds:



No, we’ve had 4 days of you throwing a tantrum.


They should’ve made Alleria orc green.

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Yeah I see that too, but there’s only one group we’ve seen partying in eversong and most other elves seem to think less of them for it.

Most of those leisure rooms and hookah bars are empty, they were probably used when there were enough elves to use them and didn’t have anything else better to do like survive.

As for the constructs? they were probably used them before their fall as a convenience.
After? Most likely necessity; silvermoon is a huge city that is pretty vacant compared to how it use to be.
If the blood elves took the time to manually clean everything there likely wouldn’t be enough manpower to get important things done such as killing scourge, retaking lost lands, rebuilding and who knows what else.

I wonder how the housing market looks in the rebuilt silvermoon lol.