High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Okay, you seem to be missing my point. I am trying to have you understand that there is no “high elf” architecture in the game, because its the exact same as the blood elf architecture, just a different color. Its remnants of what belongs to the same people. Its why if you make a new area for them, its just going to be a blue version of silvermoon.

Hence my suggestion for void elves being fused with them. That provides an opportunity for growth and change.

Kirela, if you’re just going to pop in and straw man me I am just going to ignore you until you say something meaningful.

Uhhh…we already know?
Red is to symbolize the blood shed, and it is a part of the royal colors the Sunstrider family used.
Its what you wear in the heritage armor quest. You have blue armor and go to red.


I think i will remember this and move along.


But what about the importance of High Elf Interior Design?


The hypocrisy is palpable.




The Blood Elves have already done this back in Burning Crusades and is now being reflected through the Light and Golden eyes.

I rather not have a repeat of Veressa’s story with Sylvanus. To me it would be bad writing for her to have made the choice for her and her children to not have become undead, only to chose a fate much similar by means of selling her children, her people, and her souls to the void just to appease people’s need to be rid of High Elves. It would come across very lazy and very poorly written in my opinion and it doesn’t sit well with me, regardless my position on High Elves. She has chosen her path already once, I would like to see it expanded more in a different light from Void and Blood Elves.

It would also seem very hypocritical of the High Elves to frown upon the Blood Elves for their fel uses and then subject themselves to using the void… not my cup of tea.

(Editing on a phone really sucks…)


So you responded to say you won’t respond? Fascinating.


I have a question as it pertains to Alliance High Elves.

Post introduction, how do we see them in the future? I sort of very much like the idea of them playing on BE’s to compliment each others story, but not all the time. And I’ve been a bit scared off as of late of some peoples perspectives that seem to be inherently anti Blood Elf, part of the reason I support Alliance High Elves is because I think it adds to the faction rivalry, the faction divide, and is an interesting more traditional take with the narrative for Elves that appeals to so many people.

But lately I have seen some things whether its arguing for the re introduction of BE’s to be “neutral” which to me seemed odd because the entire appeal of Alliance High Elves is then a bit defeated, if what we want is Alliance High Elves. I’ve seen some people make claims to sort of want to have some sort of glorious re taking of Quel’thalas, which as a BE fan I’m firmly against the Sin’dorei government in Silvermoon is the one that should be ruling, period. And I’ve seen some arguments that almost want to turn the BE’s into what they see as Alliance HE’s, and want them straight out of the Horde and into Alliance.

Now I admit I hadn’t seen these arguments before, and its not a majority by any means, but sometimes when I see them they are a bit vocal, and then all of a sudden you get people supporting them and taking it a bit further, pretty soon sometimes it becomes clear some people just do not like Blood Elves, which is fine, everyone has their preferences thats why I support High Elves on Alliance because I know everyone has their preferences.

But I think I can understand a bit of the desire to want to stop an Alliance HE request, because then people who argue these things have a bit of a leg to stand on, maybe become a bit more vocal about wanting things that belong to Blood Elves, like the kingdom, or what have you.

So I suppose my question is where do we see them going. Because lore wise I agree they are in story, and on Alliance, and I would enjoy their story very much so. I think they add a nice traditional but popular narrative, and can see them assisting Alliance efforts, and things like Quel’danil Lodge have been floated around as possible hot spots to show their settlements more. But are we content with that being their story, or is there a desire from some to push into BE narrative story, I’ve been thinking about it a bit today simply because normally I see a love of both races from people who support the inclusion of High Elves on Alliance, but I also now notice a minority of HE fans that seem to pro high elf to a blood elf players detriment. So I’m genuinely curious, I like the idea of them being rivals to Blood Elves, but imaginative scenarios of taking Quel’thalas or somehow turning Blood Elves into a more neutral race is something I’m less keen on, and can understand why those types ideas are something that turn off otherwise supporters off from supporting.


In my opinion, I don’t believe High Elves would need to do anything regarding Silvermoon or the Sunwell. While yes they are apart of it, part of their story is how the overcame their lethargy without it. There would be little point for them to go other then it being their ancestral home.

That said, I think a lot of the commotion about it is mainly to get Silvermoon it’s long needed update. I think it can be updated without using conflict and strife between the two Elves.

Lastly, High Elves are not just opposed to Blood Elves, they’re opposed to the Horde entirely. That is the whole reason the Silver Covenant existed in the first place. Their issues with the Blood Elves is just more prominent, and personal, which is why I believe it is at the forefront most of the time. I fully believe that the High Elves can stand alone in their own way, carving out a future in a different sense. Possibilities are endless.


Best thing to do is take the information you get go check it, and see who is telling whats there and who is twisting

I mean this was a good example how things get twisted heres the actual story and you can see whats posted above.


Well, at least he’s not linking random Wowpedia pages and droning on about how hard he burned you.

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Wow pedia not reliable, who are you talking about.

Two words, pillows and pillows.

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What does that mean? Please explain.

Well, elves in this game seem to have an affinity for pillows.

Yeah I wasn’t speaking on this particular comment anyways, I just meant in general I started to see a vocal Pro HE minority that tends to favor a deconstruction like route of the Blood Elves, whether its some imaginative telling of how they would re take Quel’thalas or just flat out contempt for them being Horde and they start to cite the Blood Elves “make no sense” and sort of advocate for BE’s abandoning the Horde or something. Its not even from one place, reddit comments, discord, some forum comments, its no one argument from one person but more of a sentiment I see I am questioning.


Is this the new High Elf megathread? :eyes:

I would like some High Elves for the alliance :grin:


This is widely what I would want to see myself. They are linked by their history and natures and they would invariably cross horns. However they should never be defined only by their conflict between one another.

I agree. This anti-blood elf because you want high elves thing is… troubling? They’re the same people divided. Their stories can be interwoven and play upon one another. You’re seeing a social war between two factions of a race. There is great potential in those stories.

They can never be neutral except in the terms of gameplay. If its the same model and the same classes basically they’re neutral. But in reality the lore and story would have two factions with a divergent history. Its not like with the Pandaren, where its the same poeple who suddenly totally want to fight each other.

As for retaking Quel’Thalas, I feel thats a Void Elf story. The High Elves should be steered more towards shaping their own destiny and any desire for “retaking” Quel’Thalas should be a subplot often stopped by the High Elves themselves.
They are the same people. There is no retaking. Trying to convince the Blood Elves to return to the Alliance? Maybe.

And, no. The Blood Elves should never forsake the growth and continuation/divergence of their history. They will never be the “High Elves” again. Not as they were. They will be the Blood Elves. As they are. Horde and damned proud of it.

It would be foolish to disregard the anti high elf folk. They have good reasons for not wanting this. They for the most part are seeing Pros requesting something that is theirs. Characters and stories that they’ve seen grow and felt for. You cannot just slap that on the Alliance and say everything is fine. This has to be done right, carefully, and hopefully really really well.

I don’t want the High Elves and the Blood Elves to be neutral. I want them to be separate. They have gone through massive upheavals in almost as many years as WoW has been going. The Loss of Quel’thalas, their prince, their joining the Horde, everything has affected them. They are Horde now.

High Elves that remained? The Silver Covenant? They’re something old and new at the same time. No longer able to claim to be what they once were but trying to hold onto something that arguably… They weren’t.

Might be rambling a little.

The High Elves should in my opinion have story with the Blood Elves, as their histories are intertwined, but they need to forge a new path. With the Void Elves or on their own.

Blood Elves should not have to lose for this to happen. They’re well established and a new Alliance High Elf story shouldn’t be used to compromise that.


I agree with this, and I think the HE’s stoicism and resilience on Alliance is part of their narrative I find endearing.

I see that too, but I also started seeing comments or ideas, from various places within the Pro HE community from people who just want HE’s but also have a bone to pick with BE’s, whether its citing them still being upset about BC, or what have you but the ideas often go further then being a rival from BE’s and I would say act as a detriment to fans of BE’s, and the only reason I ask is because often their arguments go unchallenged so I could see why some would argue against Alliance HE’s for the simple fact of someone has to stick up for the Blood Elf narrative too.

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You look splendid in the heritage armor!!

I also think we agree on most points, I don’t really think the Horde owns the HE narrative as the HE’s that remained on Alliance may only be NPCs now but their story is still Alliance.

I do think Horde lays claim to the Blood Elf story and the Blood Elf continuation of High Elf legacy. Thats why I find it a bit troubling when people argue against Blood Elves, to the point of thinking the Alliance should force claim on Quel’thalas, or argue the Blood Elves out of the Horde. Now I have seen also a sentiment of people who just don’t understand BE’s on Horde and are sour about it so its hard for me to support some of the ideas, but sometimes not seeing Pro HE supporters talk down some of the more radical ideas that are almost anti Blood Elf, troubles me some, would they be silent should the Alliance get HE’s? Then arguments would be hijacked in a sense by people trying to steal things that belong to Blood Elves, like their identity on Horde (if arguing for neutrality) or their kingdom (if arguing for Quel’thalas in the Alliance)

Thats why I ask, because I think Alliance High Elves have great appeal to me as a BE player and fan, as well as appealing to the people who prefer the Alliance HE narrative more, but I was curious what people who support HE’s think of some of the more radical ideas some people have, and if they are against them why they haven’t or don’t speak up to defend the Blood Elf narrative and by extension Blood Elf fans as well.


I know. I’m stunning. Seriously I feel powerful in this armor. It might be my favorite of the Heritage armors I’ve unlocked. Thank you for your words. :stuck_out_tongue:


This troubles me as well. The Blood Elves are what they are. We shouldn’t try to steal from them. Somewhere along the line some folk have forgotten that all of us love the game. And sometimes we disagree, but we don’t need to be actively trying to shut down others point of view just because they don’t agree with us.

And trying to claim the blood elves are not Horde, or shouldn’t be? That is immaterial. They are Horde. They have been Horde for, what, 12 or so years?

High Elves need to forge their own path now if they forge one at all.