High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I would like to explore those avenues as a player. That would be nice I think.


The specific group we’re asking for is indeed extremely loyal to the Alliance, to the extent of abandoning their homeland.

Noble? Not sure, it’s not something I ever defended iirc. Probably because of the specific group of vegan helves who rejected mana tapping from living beings, though they might have done it because it was something gross, and not necessarily because they felt morally wrong about it. I feel we’d need more factual lore on this point.

Regarding purity, it’s simply a way of expressing they were not stained by Fel. It was never meant to mean they were “saints” or anything like that. It’s World of Warcraft after all.


Idk where the notion is that we think they are so pure? I’ve never thought anyone was 100% pure in the wowverse.

They have shown to be willing to kill people on the other side. Just like all other races in each faction.


And where is the source of me speaking of someone inapropiately, or ill as you so called put it?

Well, it isn’t really about which group is pure, or which group is corrupted, the Blood Elves used Demonic Energy to help keep the good side of Silvermoon together while the Sunwell was destroyed.

Now, I can’t really say which classes Alliance Quel’dorei can be, but I do know that Warlocks would be in the list of “no-no” as well as Demon Hunters.

I’d say they’re unlikely. If use of fel were High Elves’ only issue then they’d return to Silvermoon to rejoin their kin now that the Sunwell is restored

Man, it bums me out knowing Silvermoon may never get updated…


That is the thing though, it wasnt like they abandoned it, they just, didnt return for one reason or another.
Vareesa didnt return because of her children.
Alleria was beyond the dark.portal.
Sylvanas came back even after dying.
The other high elves such as auric were also trapped and desire neutrality.
As for the taint thing, I dont know.
So many were on outland its odd that they didnt get touched by it, including those with alleria who were in the twisted nether.


Yeah, I mostly see talk of purity, pale skin, blue eyes, and all that coming from antis.


Such as when you and yours begin the circular complimenting while bad.mouthing others?

I dont feel like digging through post history but just for you, ill start keeping quotes since you need that importance.

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Where was I bad mouthing others? C’mon, prove it. Link any of my post bad mouthing others.

No, c’mon, you’re accusing me of bad mouthing other people, speaking inapropiately of others, even calling you Anti’s “Ion Bias”. So, right now, prove it.

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We can extrapolate that at least a group of them are. They’re serving with the Alliance’s military forces as of BfA. Though their presence is small.

The Silver Covenant was also clearly willing to fight the Horde and while their main issues have always lied with the Sunreavers, by being willing to fight the Horde they show they’re fully willing to fight their brethren from Quel’Thalas.

I’m sure they do so with some heavy hearts though.

All good points.

Though the fact they desire neutrality would still allow them to be added to the Alliance. :stuck_out_tongue: I know thats not preferable for you and many others though.

I often wonder this as well… Its. Odd.

I also wonder why more High Elves are not showing golden eyes. glares Blizzard.

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The only elf on Alliance I noticed to have golden eyes is Arator, but he is only a Half Elf, and is a Paladin.


They only updated him I think because he was a mainline character at the time.

I wish blizzard would focus more on the worldbuilding and less on whatever thing it is we’re doing that day.

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I also wish we could see an updated Quel’thalas, and not that carboard cutout from TBC.


Exodar while they’re at it please.


I don’t think Exodar needs an update, as it really doesn’t look like a carboard cut out. But Azurmyst Isles and Quel’thalas, would like to really do see flying added to this zones…

And maybe a new story to match today too.

Exodar is a crash… In all this time the Draenei have been able to build the Vindicaar, and have supposedly been trying to rebuild. Azuremyst bloommyst and the Exodar should be completely different!

And Quel’thalas and Eversong and even the Ghost lands should be updated.


Well, it is a crashed space ship full of space goats that haven’t invented seatbelts yet.

Seat belts are hardly necessary to rebuild your towns though.

And again they built the Vindicaar. They must have built up quite the infrastructure for that.

They should have a proper karabor type city. With their settlements built out of more than just the remains of the Exodar’s escape pods.


Honestly though, I wish every zone could get a revamp (excluding Outlands/Draenor zones). Something to match the “today” look around Azeroth, and to see what it would be like “today”.

Then old zones also used as sort of continuation for end-game content as well, “dailies, World Quest, etc”, that adds a bit of trivia to it, instead of just being outdated and move on.