High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Like this not talking to him but in butts in to provoke, things like this.

This comment is meant to be antagonistic. It’s a good example of what I am referring to.

Unless you were under the impression you were on some private channel and not open to public commentary. Everyone is welcome to participate in the dialogue. If you don’t want that to be the case there are other online platforms.


whats this then?

Honest feedback. I don’t believe you consider yourself to be trolling because you consider your actions to be justified. It was delivered in good faith and not intended to bully or harass you in anyway.

Just don’t respond? This is supposed to be about high elf positivity.

If someone is arguing just… Don’t argue back.


YAh I know thanks for advice, I should know better! :+1:

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To be fair, posters can get a bit punchy with you as you can be difficult to understand and your responses often do not follow logical sequence. You also tend to edit what you’ve said a lot after people respond to you …and a lot of your responses come across as smug.

They could do a better job of indicating how they perceive you in the moment.

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It is indeed! So on that note cheers to Alliance High Elves!!!

I am going to bed listening to Ariana’s live album, so in addition to hoping for High Elves I hope I do not lose my AirPods in my sleep.

Edit: also side note I am very fond of the idea of a High Elf rogue so I hope that’s one of their assumed classes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


So your gametime on the clock as well?

If they don’t get rogue… Riot.

Oh, I’m going to riot on the fact of Warlocks :sob:

I understand that Alliance Quel’dorei can’t be Warlocks because of lore reasons, but still…

I just love to make Warlock #23 as an Alliance High Elf

Seems like a lot of finger wagging from someone who speaks ill of others repeatedly.

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A Ranger general is the head of the entire military barring separated forces.

In the case of quel’thelas for instance the ranger general would not be in charge of only the farstriders/rangers. They would also command spellbreakers, swordsmen, dragonhawk riders, hawkstrider riders, and so on.

They wouldn’t command the blood knights as that is a separate order and with magisters it would likely be a mixed as some have other duties while some are undoubtedly assigned as part of the primary military force and would be under the command of the ranger general.


Theoretically they could. Alliance High Elves aren’t just anti Horde due to Blood Elves’ use of fel crystals and mana tapping alone. High Elves aren’t pure and perfect after all, although I’d understand why if Blizz chose to exclude the class option


I mean…you have high elves feeding blood elves to sharks. That alone should be quite clear they are willing to do really dark deeds for their goals.
I never understood the notion of them being uber loyal to the alliance, or noble, or pure.


I’m not sure they could, I’m 92% sure that once they start tapping into fel energies they’d become double blood elves since they got green eyes just from looking at too much fel.

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Well you know those Blood Elves, always sucking on fel n’ whatnot lol

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Alleria was in Outland and Argus for a while and her eyes remained blue as the day sky.

I dunno what to tell you, either the blood elf lore is wrong or the Draenic high elf lore is wrong and tbh I nae think the two are of equal relevance.