High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Yup, and got it backfired. Nice dude.


We have not seen any indication of a cultural shift or life style choice.
The only difference was a political choice at this point and time.

Not really, it doesn’t do me any harm with you acting as if you’re being threatened anytime someone makes a crack about high elves. If you laughed, good, if not, :man_shrugging:
Its just more of the same of you Muir.

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None of this does anyone any harm. To think so would be pretty delusional.

You just played yourself is all that’s being pointed out. :slight_smile:


Cool, then stop being so defensive over it. :man_shrugging:

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Good one my dude. Giving people another example of pot calling the kettle.

Keep on keeping on Broflake!


Are people really stuck on the part where sindorei is an adopted name taken during the aftermath of Scourge invasion…or are we just playing semantics?


Thank you.

I’ll make sure to keep doing so. Thank you for the support Muir.

Its semantics, its always been semantics.
This entire debate is literally helfers saying

“I want to be a blood elf but I don’t want to play Horde.”


I mean, again nothing is suggesting this has to remain. Look at Kultirans they were just naval version of SW Until BfA. We have something to build on, not a retcon though, a story progression. I’d argue that the Siphoning, and ally choices is just as much culutural as it is political.


“But they’re not blood elves!!!”

And ignore what happened after?


That doesnt matter. The name was adopted prior to biological changes


Not really, because the high elves of quel’ lithien state in shadows of the sun their decision was personal, and that they were upset because they shared the same love for Quel’thalas as the others did, and fought for it like everyone else did, but were exiled for a singular choice.

It is clear this is purely political, and not cultural, particularly because it spring up from within the blood elves as well. A cultural difference would suggest a long standing one which is not the case in this matter.

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And both are meaningful defining parts of their identity, plus cultural changes. Things don’t share with those that remained in the Alliance. Not to say those in the Alliance didn’t changed, which they did, but further away from the Sin’dorei.


So what does any of that have to do with blood elves not being biologically high elves?

I keep hearing about cultural changes but no one cites any. :thinking:

Mowa, where is my quote btw?


What the hell does that have anything to do with the post of mine that you have quoted?

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Because some people think it’s all about semantics? So reductive and simplistic to label them as the exact same in every manner.


Political beliefs are also good indicators of cultural differences.

Quel’lithian elves are now essentially husks, so I am leaving that out for future use. But when they have found themselves at odds with the Blood elves and Horde, who do they typical find their sympathies with? The Wow alliance.


I mean i didnt spend an entire post dedicated to how blood elves arent high elves because they adopted a different name in memoriam.

Because it’s explicit it isn’t just that? And that post is just quotes to official sources.