High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I’m not your bruh, bro.

There are plenty of races that are not part of their faction if we go by that logic.


You are as a deathknight. O___O

Wait wait did I mess it up?
Im not your bro, pal.

Death Knights are big losers.

Jesus dude, don’t drag us down with you!

This is why I don’t participate in debates with you guys. There IS nothing to debate.


Sounds defeatist.
You’re alliance, your thing is truth, justice, and love isn’t it?

You make it sound like an insult.

And I play both sides. I just prefer Alliance due to most of my friends/family being on there.


I appreciate your tenacity Fyre, but no where is it stated that the SC is firmly linked or apart of the Kirin’tor. It is However known that they have been linked to alliance groups.

I understand though that the high elves and Night elves aren’t even on best terms either.

I really don’t find it necessary to get into the rabbit hole of The SC/Dalaran argument… especially now that the faction war is “over” it doesn’t hold as much water anymore. Especially now if the SC Or any other HE group wants to send it’s members to assist the alliance in any capacity and will skirt the faction war excluding PVP, but that’s not canon either.

Just like any other AR… (In this case not neutral) they change from either neutral or not involved as much… to being involved. It’s not a stagnant or dead end right now.


Where were we again?

Vast majority of the Alliance High Elves we want actually are part of the Alliance, most are friendly to Alliance players and Hostile to Horde and are in Alliance sub-factions.

Still more than Void elves, who are actively playable.


That’s true, Blizzard have quality standards in relation to art people seem to forget.

It’s not like Blizzard don’t give new and different models (final product, not skeletons) to races when they decide to make them playable.

Blood Elves, Worgen, Goblins, Nightborne, Dark Iron Dwarves, Kul’Tirans, hey, but let’s ignore that and pretend the WoW models are tied to lore and are an exact representation of the races of the game on how they look like in lore. The model updates of Warlords of Draenor was the biggest retcon ever done in World of Warcraft lore, it was ridiculous how Blizzard completely change the lore of the game to accommodate those new models, absurd!


You are hearing insult when none is intended. It is a joke.

Same, hence why I am a BE DK and not a Worgen DK. I am not going to begrudge someone what they play.
Just because we’re in a debate on one subject, does not mean we cannot have levity in other aspects either.

I don’t know…

Cool, where does the lore indicate this part? Or are we relying purely on gameplay? It isn’t exactly accurate. For example, Azerite is supposed to be erupting all over the place and war is supposed to be wide spread, but we don’t see it in the old world.
High elves may be alliance leaning, but we haven’t seen any alliance group based high elves since MoP. The SC doesn’t do anything for the alliance since they’ve been made neutral by Khadgar.

they have also been linked with the farstriders in 2 different expansions outside of the context of the kirin tor/dalaran. they ARE at the beck and call of halduron who vereesa clearly has a strong kinship with. not to sure what alliance groups you are talking about though

would you argue that the SC was separate from the kirin tor forces on the isle of thunder also for example? :roll_eyes:

yet i see no ‘Two Sides to Every Tale’ achievement, so the capacity you play both sides is not even it appears

It’s a hassle.

People say this, but yet, they don’t see to get the actual idea. Do you really know the true numbers of High Elves or Void Elves?





Working on it. I swear. Just did Baine’s part in the War Campaign where he gives Derek back to Jaina and he’s about to be ousted by Sylvanas the other day. I got distracted by some stuff on my Alliance characters.


You say that like the lore doesn’t matter either.


Lore hasn’t mattered for anything lately.